Chapter 7

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Almost 5 weeks after Plane Crash.

The day began with the grey sky, it was as if the upcoming dread was informing us to stay alarmed. Something was gonna happen, something worse and scary. My heart wasn't ready to face.

"Vegas.... Don't go out today, just stay here. "

"If I stayed inside, we will be starving the whole day. "

"I think their is gonna be a storm soon, anywhere near the shore is dangerous, so please stay in. "

"That's more of the reason I should go, what if we don't get the food tomorrow too. "

"We can eat fruits for a day, and not even them then it's okay too, but for my sake... Don't go. "

"Then what did I get in return? "

"Your own life. "

"If I stayed in with you while the storm comes... I can't guarantee your own safety. "

"Be it then... You stay in. "

He smirked as he tried to go out, I sighed at his stubbornness, how could someone be so ready to play with his life?

I stepped in front of him , and looked up at him, he was amused, he loves teasing me but this isn't the time for it.

He came dangerously close making me fluster but I didn't buzzed aside, and he didn't hesitate either, I pushed him back until his back hit the wall, but before I could merely decipher he sat down, giving up.

"I won't go until you leave my side. "

As I was bold enough I sat next to him, watching the sky outside turning darker by each passing second.

He held my arm, pulling me to his lap, I didn't even protest, as his arms wrapped around my torso, his chin resting on my shoulder, I leaned in, feeling so warm as the cold winds around were making me shiver.

"Will we ever be able to escape this place? "

I asked out of the blue, as the hopes of getting out decreases every freaking day, and I am about to lose my shit again.

"I don't know anymore. " He said, this is the first time I heard him truly worry, and that didn't made me pretty comfortable.

"I don't wanna die here, I want to live, I had a loan to pay, my house, I just bought it and I want to eat so much before, I really don't wanna die just eating these fishes. "

"You are so adorable to only worry about these. "

"I don't know where do you find it cute? It's so sad on my end. "

"Mhmm... Here... " He said as he squishes my tummy, I jolted up but he had his grip around me.

"Stop... It tickles... "

"You lost so much weight that I didn't noticed. " He said as he pulls my shirt up, I got a bit awkward and pulled the shirt down.

"You had lost too.. " I said looking at him, and he was already shirtless, his shirt teared while he was climbing a tree and since he preferred staying that way, to be honest, he was having fun showing off and making me flustered everytime we were in close proximity.

I touched his abs as he still had them despite losing weight, he ensured that he ate enough protein everyday. And the labour he did, although their was a difference in his physique, it wasn't as apparent as mine.

As my attention went to him, he was staring at me, I looked up and our proximity was too close, it was as if he was holding my stare, drawing me in.

He leaned in, not looking away even for a second, our lips were an inch apart and a loud thunder was there, I flinched as I saw the sky being so terrifically grey, but he held my chin to look at him.

"Don't worry... It's gonna be okay.. " He said as his lips closes the distance, pulling me in until their is no space between us.

His hand was roaming all over my body, but I shivered as his hand snaked it's way under my shirt, giving me goosebumps all over. He brushed past my bud and I moaned in his mouth, as his tongue dives in, exploring the deep caverns.

The strings of saliva were apparent as he pulled back, I was gasping for breath when he peppered kisses down my neck, sucking at places where he had already given me marks before. I was in heat and it was getting harder to control.

My hips moved involuntarily on his lap, grinding against him, he groaned and groped my ass as he kissed my jaw.

"Stop moving... I won't be able to control myself... "

"Why do you have to control? "

I said and he looked up, for a second or two, and then I was on the ground with him hovering over me. He was rubbing his hard on over me as I whimpered, wanting to get more of him.

He was sucking on my chest, taking too much of time than I could handle, tears of pleasure rolled down as I grabbed his hair and pulled him up, kissing him as if it was my last time doing so.

But out of a sudden I remembered something and that made me wide aware of the situation.

"We can't have sex without protection." I said as he stopped suddenly.

"What did you say? "

"We can't do it without a condom. I saw you on the plane with someone and now I am not sure. "

"Are you kidding me? You led me on and now.. You are saying we can't? "

"Sorry... But isn't it weird enough to have sex on an island... It's dangerous.. We can get a disease or an infection... And that's the least of what we want. "

"Even if you are making sense.. I am offended. " He said as he take his clothes and went outside, I too got my clothes on and sat at the place again, looking outside as the storm was on it's way.

The waves were getting higher and more violent, everything they were striking was turning into pieces, the sea rocks too. And then something caught my eye.

I got out of the cave to look more efficiently what exactly it is... It was... It was a ship... Ohh....

Wait... What?


Note: Well.. What if you were at Pete's place? Do you agree with him or the other way😅😅

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