Chapter 10

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I had a splitting headache when I woke up, cause I couldn't sleep properly last night. Though what to do now and what the hell is going on is still a question in my mind.

"Pete... Are you okay? " Ryle asked as I was spacing out.

"Yeah... What we're you saying? "

"I said do you wanna go out for lunch right now? "

"No, I am not really hungry, you go ahead. "

"Come on, have something lite instead, but do eat. "

"I will, but not right now, you should go, the lunch will be over. "

"If you say so, but don't skip later or I might force you to eat. " He said as he left  with other people.

Ryle was the person the company gave my spot when they thought I died. But when I came back and as I was also in media,they had to give me my position, so Ryle and I both happened to have the same team.

He helped me a lot when I came back, and did so much of my work as he felt guilty, maybe. But I do know, he likes me. Even if he didn't say it yet, but I know. He has been giving hints ever since. But I was not in the state of dating anyone.

Because, I was waiting for Vegas, and there was still something in me that told me he will comeback. I don't know how much I waited for him. But now he is back and I am so baffled that I don't know what to do.

Cause he doesn't remember me. It's as if I  was fool to wait for someone for whom I don't even exist in the world. And even if he sees me Or be around me, it isn't of any importance to him.

I crouched down and laid my head on the table. And then I heard a knock on my table. Ryle brought me a cup of coffee and I smiled at him.

The day went by at its speed and when I was leaving, I saw Vegas going inside the elevator, I don't know what kicked in me, I went back to the entrance, and took the elevator.

He was alone. I cleared my throat as I was forming the appropriate sentence in my head to ask him.

"Too much staring is considered rude. " He said, as I flinch at the sudden comment. Pete, stop embarrassing yourself.

"Actually... Don't get me wrong... But do you remember me? "

"Why? Have I slept with you before? Or happened to hit you?"

"No... You don't remember anything about the island? " I said, getting more unnerved as he is clueless.

"So we hooked up at the beach?"

"I know you are a pervert but tryna think clearly... Plane crash.. Island... Me.. "

"Sorry... But I don't know what you are saying... But... "

"But what? "

He eyes me from tip to toe and gives a mischievous grin.
"We can get to know each other better if you want... "

The elevator opens but he moves forward and whispers in my ear.
"Follow me to my office. "

He said as he walks away, and I stood clueless, should I go? But I don't think he is saying something serious, cause I find that weird.

I followed him anyway, as I entered his office, he pulled my arm, pushing me as he closes the door, his face was inches apart as he looks into my eyes.

"You are brave enough to mess with your boss, that too, at the company... I like your guts. "

"What do you mean? "

"Look at you playing naive... First you flirt and now you are innocent.. I like it... "

I pushed him away as I straighten up my clothes, how do I forgot that even when someone loses their memory, the nature remains same.

"You might have lost your memories, but you are still an asshole Vegas. " I left the room, slamming the door, as I close the elevator.

I was fuming, this guy has the audacity to think that but not what he should. I was feeling bad as it is. It's fine, I don't need to remember him if he forgot. I am better alone like this.

I straight up called Porsche, he was busy but I somehow gave him emotional threats so he was ready to come. He opened the bottle and poured the drink. I chunked the whole glass in a go and filled again.

"Heyy... Slow down.. "

"Don't interrupt, I am too messed up to do that. "

"Pete... Does something happen.. "

"Everything is wrong Porcshe... " I said as I was about to cry, and as Porsche looked up at me, I cried.
He hugged me and patted my back.

"It's okay to cry... But if it's because of a guy... Let me break his dick into two and hit him in the balls.. "

"Vegas... He is back... "

"What.... The island guy? Does he do anything to you? "

" He forgot everything and thought I was hitting on him... "

"That bastard... What did you do then? "

"I called him an asshole and came back. "

"Should have slapped him in the face. Want me to do it for you? "

"No... It's okay... He isn't originally bad person... He helped me lot back then... "

"You like him, don't you?"

"That isn't worth anymore, he doesn't remember a thing. "

"Then you should move on, want me to introduce you to someone nice? "

"No... I am fine as it is... "

"You have me for sure, and I won't leave my sweetie's side again... Okay? "

"Porsche... " I hugged him again, as I felt better, it's okay, you are gonna be fine.

"Stay at my house, I will drop you to the office tomorrow. " He said so we went to his home, but one thing I was worried that how I have to avoid Vegas now.

I was lying on the bed as Porsche was laying on his bed next to me. Yes, he has an extra bed, but that one is foldable.

"Pete... Don't you feel bad he forgot about you? Don't you wanna try and make him remember? "

"If he is healthy and doing well in his life, then I am fine, I can manage, I don't wanna cause him any pain. "

My eyes grew tired and ultimately shut them, all my worries die down as I drift to sleep.

The next day I got dressed and went to office, I greeted all my staff members and begin my work, the day was going pretty well as I myself was getting calm.

"Pete, come with me to the meeting today. " Mr. Willson said.

"Sir me? But why suddenly? "

"It's a project and you are also called in for. "

I nodded and in confusion followed him, I don't usually go for projects other than my own department's work but this was different.

I was unsure until I saw Vegas in the meeting hall. Oh no. Shit.

"Sir this is the person I told you about, Pete, he will be a perfect assistant for the Turn over project. " Mr. Willson said as he greets Vegas.

Why the hell this old man is making it difficult for me? Oh no... He is promoting me when I don't want to. Never thought I would be this irritated to get more of my work.

"I hope you will be of great help, Mr. Pete. " Vegas places his hand forward for a handshake as a mischievous grin spread on his face.

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