Chapter 5

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I saw lights shining in the dark, the color red in them, not just one or two, a dozen of them, creeping on the ground, leading their way to the ocean, they were crocodiles.

Cause of the disturbance I made, all of them were waiting for my next movement, their snouts in my direction, and my mind was blank, as my whole body turned cold, heart beat so loud that it's gonna pop off my chest any time.

They were slowly making their way towards me, a couple of them, and I couldn't move, my feet were frozen in terror and utter fear, as if I gave up, but somewhere I was still trying to escape. I walked back as quietly as possible, and when I was at enough distance, I ran back, as fast as I could.

I didn't even looked back, cause if I did, I would have been someone's dinner already. When I reached the cave back, Vegas had already lit up the fire and was heating the water.

"Where were you gone? I was getting worried. "

I couldn't utter anything, when I tried, only air and meaningless sound came out, somehow he understood something was wrong.

"Calm down... Okay... Look at me.. " He said as he held my hand and the next second I hugged him tightly, closing my eyes, it was as if I was trying to hold a grip on my sanity.

"What happened Pete? "

"I... I.. Saw... Death... "

"What color was it? " He said and it didn't sound funny to me.

"Crocodiles... There were a dozen of them here... "

"You saw them too? "

"Have you already seen them? "

"The reason I can't get fish for supper, is that. They are saltwater crocodiles and I had an idea cause they are found in Australian Islands, and I was right, in the evening I was a few, so I just came back. "

"I can't live here... What if they come here? "

"They don't seek and hunt human, the only reason you die cause of them is only when you enter their habitat, then you are for sure dead. "

"Are you pacifying Or terrifying me? "

"So from now on, don't go outside alone... Okay? "

"Yeah... I won't even go near the shore. "

"But why did you go there.. I mean weren't you scared of the dead bodies? "

"You didn't came back for long... So I thought you were in danger.. "

"Awww.... You just cared about me right now.. I am flattered to be honest. "

"Don't flatter yourself... Its cause I don't know how to survive. "

"You depend on my for your life... Isn't that romantic? "

"Scary to be honest. "

"I guess we have to eat biscuits for dinner today. "

I was even grateful for being alive, the fact that we don't have the timeline of being here, as if being stuck here was not enough, It slipped out of my mind that we are in an uninhabitable island, and that clearly means danger.

I couldn't even sleep, the scene of the multiple pair of red eyes staring at me can't escape my head, whenever I closed my eyes, all I could see was it.

"Vegas.. "

"Hmmm.. "

"Are you asleep? "

"Not yet. "

"If you want, you can sleep next to me.. "

"Really!... I mean.. Ahem.. Why? "

"I am scared.. I can't sleep cause of what I saw.. "

"We can do much more than sleep if you want. "

"Just stay there... Why did I even expect. "

"I meant to talk.. You really have a dirty mind Pete.. "

I was not in the mood of arguing so I didn't replied, and he came to my side, I shifted and realised I was cornered by the wall and then him, it was like I was trapped between the wall and him.

I regretted it a bit but he is better than crocodiles... Anyday.

"Let's play a game.. We will each answer a question.. "

"Why do you wanna play such a thing? "

"I am going back then. "

"No... Wait... Arghhh... Ask.. "

"And if you don't wanna answer then you can kiss me, I won't mind then. "

"Shut up. "

"Do you have a boyfriend? "


"Don't be so cold, atleast tryna elaborate. "
"It's my turn, why are you helping me so much? "

"Because I like you. "

"You can't lie. Tell me the honest answer. "
"It's honest, it's just you don't believe me. Now my turn. What's your favorite color? "

"Blue. My turn. Why do you like me? "

"Cause you are naive, silly and cute. Plus I like your butt. "

"Pervert." I hit him on his shoulder and tried to push him, he was laughing along and that made me laugh too.

He tried to hold me and then he got on top of me, pining my hands above my head, their was a moment of silence among us.

"I don't really need a reason to like you, just look at you, who won't fall for such an innocent face? "

No one has ever told me this, and neither did I completely believe him, he seems like a player who may have said these things to others too.

He got off me and laid next to me, the fire went off and it was dark now, but he was beside me so I wasn't that terrified, but I did cling to him, goodness, what are you making me do.

"My turn. Do you think I am hot? " He said and although I did agree, he is fuming hot, I don't know if I should say this or not.

"Even if you are, I don't see any effect on me. "

"Do you want me to show effect on you? Will you be able to handle that? "

"I am sleepy now, so be quiet. "

He faced me and so did I, and as he just pulled my head to his chest, hugging me tightly, I did try to wriggle out but that wasn't really possible since I didn't had any space for it.

"Stay still and sleep, if you make more noise, the crocodiles are gonna come for ya. "

I didn't even replied as I fell into a deep silence, his body was so warm as compared to mine, he still smelled nice, a different and subtle smell that is sweet and musky, it intoxicated me, and I fell into deep slumber as he caressed my back.

Note: If you could, which character you want to be in Kinnporsche series?
I want to be Venice😂.

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