Chapter 2

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That night, Serenity

"Come on, it's just one time. You will have fun, I promise." Saoirse says. What a persuasive statement, she is inviting me to a bar downtown to drink. There's no celebration, no anything. Just a random night. I have no tasks to do.. yet. I groan in frustration.

"Fine."  "That's my girl."

Never in a lifetime would I witness Saoirse get dressed so fast. I laugh at her quirkiness. She drags me down the stairs to her car to drive over the bar. This is the start of my regrets. Saoirse screams suddenly,

"We are here! Yeah, let's get it girl!" I laugh at her craziness. Yeah now that's a reminder to not drink too much. There would be no one to drive us home.

"Come on, just one drink. Sera". she says,

"No, Sao. You know I have low alcohol tolerance. I won't be able to drive us home". I state.

"Don't worry, Uber exists for a reason". I mentally facepalmed.

"Babe, as much as I want to see you have fun, I don't want you to take a look at your bank account after this". I said.

"It's going to be fineeee. Don't worry! This ish sho fun!" she screams as she goes to to the dance floor.

I laugh at her wild personality. She deserves to be this happy. I was about to return the drink when a man stops me.

"Excuse me?" I ask "Hello, Miss." He smiled.

The audacity of this man. He had the ability to be hot and shocking at the same time, I won't let this get a grasp on me.

"Miss. I don't mean to be rude, but I can offer you a ride home with your friend safely. I don't want a pretty lady like you to get hurt". He said while caressing my cheeks.

I slightly blush when suddenly another hand sweeps of the other.

"What is your problem?" The man asks.

Oh my gosh. I don't need this tonight, what in the donuts is happening? He is just offering a ride home?

"Hands off my girlfriend."

I'm sorry, what?

"She is your girlfriend? Woah dude. I am so sorry."

He storms off and the fine man hovered around me.

Now I don't know about you but this man is another level of attraction. I stare at him, mentally screaming as I am almost swooning over this guy. Now wait a minute, who does he think he is?

"You're welcome." He states.

I scoff, "Excuse me, the kind man over there just offered me a ride home. That would be a lot of help, you know"

"And that would've caused you a lot of danger." He says.

"Who are you exactly? How do you know?" I reply angrily.

"I am the man who just saved you and your friend from kidnapping."

"Aw. Well look at you being a knight in shining armour. Thank you, thank you." I sarcastically say while rolling my eyes.

"If it wasn't for me, you would be in danger now. So ungrateful." He states

I was shocked, "You know, I can handle myself. Mister!"

"Are you sure? Sounds like you can't. You were too distracted by his words." He shrugs

That's it. That's the cue, that was my last straw.

I slapped him with all my might.

Okay, that was unnecessary. But don't blame me, I was lost for words and the audacity of this man to judge me that quickly. Okay, so did I. This me clowning. It's too late to apologise now. What has gotten to you, Serenity.

"Feisty. I like it". He laughs.

He walks over to the bartender and pays all of our drinks. He smiles at me and walks off. But he turned his back again. I was fighting the urge to either apologise or just kiss him.

Oh my gosh, shut up self.

"This is not the end, m'lady. I will see you. You destroyed my beautiful face." He says

"That's beautiful?" I nervously laugh

"You have the guts to say that, as if you weren't checking me out all night." He smirks.

He lifts up my chin. His touch, so addicting. I can smell his scent, tempting and dominant. His gaze is scary yet scintillating. He could spark up my darkest night with this eyes. I gulp nervously as his lips make his way to my ear.

"I like you. You're fiery." He says

His hands trace my figure, not touching my skin but the dress only. Oh my, why are you such a tease?

"Since you slapped me, I can file a restraining order against you." He smirks. I suddenly froze.

"But I won't. But I warn you, darling. I will see you again."

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Written: June 20, 2023

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