my favorite customer

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I loved my job the crew and even sometimes the customer who come in were the best I experienced but it was this one guy that would walk pass the shop and look in and wave at us everyday which is weird cause he stopped coming in for a while even though he worked next door at t-mobile.

"It so slow today"

"Which is crazy cause we usually are packed on Fridays", my coworker said whipping down the line

We just chilled singing to the music we was play till he come in with his duffle bag around his arms, "hey, goodmorning how you doing", I said to him as I say to all my customers

"Great thanks and yourself just wanted to stop in and say hey"

"That's sweet of you", my coworker said

"Yeah im great thanks you ordering food or just drinks"

"Naw im a ordering Starbucks later just wanna to come in and say hey to everybody"

"Well we appreciate it but take a cookie or a muffin"

"Naw Im good"

"For real, on me, you want a Hasbrown or orange juice"

"Umm yeah ill take one", I walked down preparing his food then bringing it back to him.

"Here you go"

"Thanks ima leave this here for yall", he said leaving the 20 inside the tip jar

"I appreciate it, I mean we appreciate it"

"Naw I know what you ment", he said smiling at me

"What time you gotta clock in"

"11 so I'll just waste time if that's cool with yall"

"Its, 10 plus We not busy of course", he said sitting down eating on the edge of the window as he kept looking at me each time my coworker would make me laugh.

"Yall always having fun in here"

"Yeah it's better then us being depressed"

"True but I like your laugh"

"Ew you do", my coworker said as I busted out laughing

"See you hear it"

"Yes, I do now", he got up throwing his trash up, picking up some of the has brown he dropped before asking me what I wanted from Starbucks.

"Naw im good"

"No seriously I wanna buy you something sense you gave me a free breakfast"

"I'll take a strawberry Frappuccino with cookie crumble"

"How many is it of yall"

"Just me and those two"

"Ask them what they want"

"Stop it"

"For real, I wanna give yall something other then orange juice, apple juice and coffee"

"Aye Trish and Lorenzo, what yall want from starbucks"

"Get me the same thing you get"

"I'll take a carmel Frappuccino with strawberry pieces"

"Got it"

"We appreciate it"

"No problem, let me get your number incase I forgot"

"Your doing a mobile order though"

"I know", he said as I got the hint and slide him the peice of paper with my number and instagram on it.

"I'm suprises you don't have my number, I'm part of the rewards"

"Yeah I didn't know if you were gay or not plus didn't wanna be a creep"

"Understandable but I wouldn't mind if it was you"

"Good to know", he laughed leaving out as we sat down waiting for people to come in but it was just doordash for 45 minutes till he came back with our drinks.

"Here you go"

"Thank you so much"

"No problem"

"And anytime you want food let me know"

"Any time you want Starbucks let me know", we both smiled at each other as he grabbed his drink but of course I looked down and he had a major hard on and of course I had to tell him, "hey, go fix yourself"

"What you mean"

"Your poking"

"Oh shit, I'm sorry"

"Its ok, the bathroom right down the hall"

"Thanks, no I'm really gone be late", I gave them there drinks has the alarm went off hitting 11 and he still didn't come out until we got extra busy and it was already 11:20.

"I'll catch yall later"

"You too, zip up" as I yelled out seeing his zipper down

"Thanks", he said laughing heading out but sad part is I never got his name.

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