The Purrrfect Surprise

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Marinette danced around the room, trying to find the perfect outfit for this occasion.

"I don't know, Tikki. We're probably going to keep this relationship on the low, so nothing fancy. Either way it is a date, so something cute and cozy," Tikki then flew up with an unfinished piece, "That would be perfect! If only I would have actually finished it!"

"Marinette! We have three hours. If you hurry we can finish it in two."


"Are you sure that is going to work, kid." Plagg shoved another piece of camembert down his throat.

"I don't know what Marinette likes, but I know that she would want something special to enjoy the moment. She wouldn't want something big, just enough." Adrien had everything set up. All he needed was a few persuasive words and everything was free. He was so lucky to be a model.


"Oh my! Marinette you look amazing!" They giggled as Marinette twirled around in front of the mirror. "Okay, now make up and hair."

Once they were done, they waited in front of her circular window. She smiled when she saw a black figure jumping towards her home. Today was going to be fun and hopefully get over Adrien in the process, Marinette thought back to what Alya said for the fifth time today, Maybe in the future I can make coherent sentences around him and become his very good friend.

Marinette jumped from her seat and through the trapdoor to reveal a grinning black cat. "Hello, Princess. Care to join a knight like me on a date?" He took her hand and helped her up from the ledge. They awkwardly didn't make any eye contact.

She played along and sighed, "I don't know... the king want ever let me out of my tower in the middle of the night." They made eye contact and went into a fit of giggles. Chat Noir eyed her dress and blushed at the idea that Marinette dressed up for him even though they were on the down-low. Her hair was curled in locks and in a ponytail. She wore a black dress with a black leather belt at the waist. What he loved even more was the bell on her choker. "You look meow-vulous, princess."

She blushed, "Y-you too, kitty."

Once they calmed down, he picked her up and started jumping on houses. Marinette just closed her eyes and held on tight. She was smiling her giddy smile and sniff the air as it past her face. He set her down, but moved his hands to cover he eyes which told her to not look. He moved his hands back to her waist and lead her around obstacles so she wouldn't bump on anything. Marinette could tell that they were standing on metal because of the hollow clunking sounds that followed their footsteps. This made her more curious as to where their location was.

They came to a sudden stop. He let go of her waist and squeezed her hand, which told her to wait. He left her for a few seconds and she focused on the wind. It was harsher where they were standing. This made her think that they were high up. "W-where are we kitty?"

"You can open them now." Kitty held her hand once more as Marinette opened her eyes. An audible gasp escaped her lips as she took in the view. The candles that Chat Noir used to reveal his love to Ladybug and roses. Everywhere. They were pink, white, and red. When she looked out from the railings within, she noticed that they were at the top of the Eiffel tower. "This is so beautiful!" She hugged him and he hugged back.

He rubbed the back of his neck. "I know this is awkward because we are dating in private, but don't have romantic feelings for each other," he took in another breath of air, "And I just wanted to say that I think it is working for me... I haven't thought about Ladybug today- only about our date. What about you?"

"My friend, Alya, said that I sounded like I was losing interest in him. I think that Plagg's plan is working quite well." She smiles up at him and sits on one of the fluffed pillows.

"Who even is him?" Chat Noir asks, curious on who could possibly catch this girl's attention and not notice.

"O-oh! W-well... ummm." She mutters and stumbles over her words. She normally never had to say it out loud because her love for Adrien was very obvious to the normal-human eye. Everyone except Adrien.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me. I was just curious." He knew that later he would be staying up all night trying to figure out who this buttercup was. I guess curiousity did kill the cat.

"Oh.. no umm... It's Adrien Agreste." She started to fidget with her fingers and looked down. She didn't see Chat's face full of mixed emotions. Angry with himself. Sadness because that means that Adrien doesn't in fact, love her. Regret for asking the question and not realizing sooner. And for some reason-relief.

Surprise, however, took over his brain. "Adrien Agreste!"

Sorry that this was a small chapter. I just didn't know where to leave off of. The next chapter will be longer, but hopefully won't take longer. My time schedule is a little off, so I am hoping that I will have more free time to write Miraculous Fanfiction for you guys. Just a reminder that there isn't ANY Ladrien for the most part because they ARE SO FUCKING AWKWARD... Either way, Marichat is my favorite ship with a following Adrienette. See ya in the next chapter.

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