Part 4

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All doctor n nurses came it was khan's wife ..
Whom all afraid...
Doctor immediately came forward an gave her injection..
N prepared machine for ultrasound n other tests...

Outside the room murtasim was very much worried..he was pacing here n there..
Maa begum:-murtasim when you were fine ..why did you do this act...we all were so much worried...

Mur:-Maa begum it was my last card ....I know when she will came to know about my accident she will surely come my search team predictions.. she is near me n having  an eye on me..n see the results are there...

Waqas Chacha so she was with you from these months..n chachi you know very well how much I cried for her but you both never told me...why...
He said a bit loud...

Waqas:we don't know what's the issue between both of you...we asked so many times from you n her also but you both never told us...
She warned us if we told you about being her with us she will either left the home or kill her self...we don't want to loose our we remain quiet..n moreover Doctor told us not to give her any stress in this she is already very weak...

In between doctor came n told that now she is fine n they can meet her...

As they all entered in the room..meerabh was trying to get up..murtasim came running n help her to get settle..
In between nurse came n gave her juice as she didn't have any thing since morning..

As she was having her juice one eye was on murtasim who was hell she looked towards her parents n said .. mama ..I m fine now let's go home..

Mu:- yaa your are ok now let's move...bakhtu bring the car near entrance...

Mee:-No I will go to Karachi my house..not in haveli..

Mur:-No way...your place is with us ,with me in khan haveli..n I will not allow you to move Karachi.. in this state..

In between doctor came n said..
Mr khan we done all tests..all reports are fine..your both kids are fine...every thing is normal..just you have to take an extra care..

Mur:-both kids...???
Do:-yes Mr khan..your wife is pregnant with twins..n in 7 month of her pregnancy..I have prescribed all the medicines . . she just have to be extra careful...

Twins??....he was having few tears...all were happy on listening this....n when murtasim saw towards meerabh she just ignored him..
Meerabh  get up n move towards exit ..murtasim just hold her hand n took her his car..she tried..but one angry look n she without saying any thing sit in car ..

On reaching haveli he made her sit in hall..n just sat in her feet n with very politely asked.
Dear please please tell me..what's the problem..why you left me..this house..n never contacted us n hide news of your pregnancy..why..
Meerabh please tell..

All were just looking them..
Anila,waqas, Anwar ,maa begum,mariyum all needed answer n reason for her leaving but she spoke nothing..

Mee:-nothing murtasim its just we are not compatible n I want to live my life my I decided to leave
Mur:-if you want to live your own then why are you carrying my kids..tell me you love me right..if not then also please tell me reason n come back your n these babies place is here in haveli, in Hyderabad...

Mee:-Don't worry about me n kids.. I will move on in your life n I will manage my own... n I don't want to live here..I want to go back..n they didn't belong you..someone else is there father...

Now it's the limit for his anger..
He slapped  her...yes murtasim khan slapped his wife..
Don't you dare...don't you...I know they are my kids..n now if you want to ho back you will go after giving birth to my kids in my custody...till then you will be here with me in this haveli...

All were frightened on seeing his anger..
N you waqas Chacha n chachi please go to Karachi...
N mariyum take your bhabhi with you to our room..n maa sahib will keep a check on her diet..n Anwar Chacha n bakhtu the security inside n outside the haveli should be tight.. no one one will go outside or come inside without my permission...
Just follow my orders everyone...n left from there..

Meerabh was hurt..n crying but not more than murtasim...she know her words hurt him alot but she can't help it..she know if she will come back it will be very dangerous for him n thus family...

Mariyum took her in her room n made her comfortable...
In night haya came to give her dinner n milk...

Ha:-So tum vaapis aa gaayi mere manna karne ke baad bhi..why?? I told you naa ki durr raho murtasim se ..then why you come back..laagata hai tum bhool gaayi ho mere uss raat ki baat ko...listen I will not repeat my self ..
Go back n take your kids back unless I will not leave you your kids n everyone here...

Mee:-I know everything haya don't worry I will go my self's just he isn't leaving me alone for a single minute .I will surely leave from here..n I will not be a problem in your n murtasim life..
You both got married n live happily...

Haya:-happy toh tab ho gaaye jab tum Marr jaao gaayi..apne in baccho ke saath...

She just slapped her..don't you dare to say anything to my kids..I know our deal don't worry I will leave..just give me sometime..but don't dare to involve my kids in it...

She just left from there...n meerabh stood in balcony n start thinking about the deal that night took place in between them...

So readers what's the deal for which meerabh left all this...
Give your comments..n feedback...

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