Part 1

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7 months...
It has been seven months that meerab left the home..
Murtasim is looking for her like mad person....all thought she ran away with haya told everyone...but only Murtasim know she can't do this...he still have faith in her..

Slowly Slowly all returning to their life back...only Murtasim is not able to doubt haya, maa begum told him to move but he can't just forget her...after that night never.. where in  passion she told her how much she loved him..n how they become one..

No he can't forget her n move in life... he just forgot himself he left his workouts, his passion for photography etc...all this making mss begum one day she decided to take matters in hand...

Maa :- Murtasim I know you are hurt n you live her very much but beta don't leave your business village related work like this..after all they all depends upon you...if you will not work properly our companies will be bankrupt n workers of our companies how will they protect their families..
So beta pls focus on your work..

Murtasim thought about it n start working n now he is working like a machine ..he worked 14 to 15 hours in a day...but side by side looking for meerabh ...

Back to reality ( 7 months later)
One day he was in his office..
N watching the hustle of city from top floor of office..n just thinking how in these 7 months..

In between he got a call from Aneila chachi n waqas Chacha.. they talked about 5 minutes ..

From the day meerabh left home all were worried n so as her parents..they also searched  with all her friends but got Nothing ...
From the day he returned haveli...from that day either chachi or Chacha both called him once a day n asked about his whereabouts..n if meerabh found or not...

It had been 3 days he didn't return home..busy in his London project he just ate sleep in his room which is situated with in his office...

So one day maa begum called him to return home as she wants to see him n also mariyum is coming to meet him specially him...

So he decided to go home to meet mariyum...
He was himself driving his car..
N while returning..


He met with an accident as he didn't sleep for 3 days...n driving himself....

What will happen now...
Meerab is missing n murtasim on death bed....

Please dear readers give your comments n views....

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