I tip-toed to the head of the stairs, careful not to distract them and draw attention to myself as I descended step by step. "It's not like they've ever really been made super public, Sammy. Even we have to dig for that kind of stuff," Dean replied, taking a sip out of a mug.

It looked as though they had figured out the coffee machine.

"If what the Doctor says is true, and we are in some kind of alternate dimension, it's nothing we haven't dealt with before."

"So... what are you thinking? A Djinn?"

I stopped in the middle of the staircase, waiting for Dean's answer. "Possibly."

"But, as far as we know, we haven't been poisoned and this dimension, or dream, or whatever it is doesn't really entail our darkest desires. What if she's a trickster?"

My heart sunk. They're still assuming I'm up to this.

"The only Trickster you and I knew was just an Angel, and this doesn't exactly scream Angel at me," Dean took another sip out of his mug, his eyes flickering to me. I bit back a gasp, the mug slowly lowering from his lips, "Well, good morning, princess."

Sam looked over his shoulder, his eyebrows raising, possibly wondering how long I had been standing there and how much I had heard.

Dean looked me up and down, a small smirk expanding in arousal of my attire. My cheeks began to burn and I cleared my throat, forcing a smile, "I see you found the coffee," I said, hoping it would avert the attention from myself.

It didn't, and Dean's eyes were still on me. Even Sam's eyes began to wander as I took my last step off the stairs. I clasped my hands in front of me in attempt to cover myself, flustered. "I, um... I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm not a Trickster, despite the mayhem that might go on living in a cramped house with several people you don't know."

I forced a chuckle, but Sam and Dean weren't laughing. I ceased, pursing my lips and averting my bashful gaze to the floor in attempt to hide further. "Right," I exhaled, wringing my hands. "This is awkward."

"Oh, I beg to differ, sweetheart," Dean winked.

Sam closed his eyes, rolling them behind his lids.

Thinking I'm a Trickster or a Djinn, and still giving me flirtatious glances, I thought, muddled under the pressure. Just like a Winchester- especially Dean Winchester.

About the only thing I could make my body do was head straight out the front door, but not without an embarrassing squeak escaping my tightly closed lips. I managed to escaped to the bayside without Dean following me and antagonizing me further.

The cool waves rolled over my feet, calming my nerves and my riled thoughts. I took me a moment to remember what I had sought out to do, the tranquility of the beach threatening to lull me back to sleep.

I looked out into the waters, holding my hand over my eyes. I hoped the TARDIS hadn't ended up out there.

There was a peculiar object floated up in front of me. I looked down, pulling my brows together at the article of clothing. It was a long, tan coat, soaking wet from the water. I knelt down to pick it up, holding it out in front of me. I knew this coat... This was Castiel's.

I looked back out at the ocean, my breath hitched in my throat. Was he out there?

My dog barked in the distance, startling me to whirl around. Charles came prancing across the sand, his tail now wagging in excitement as the Winchesters and the Doctor closely behind, John and Sherlock beginning to exit the house.

The Unexpected (A SuperWhoLock Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя