Temper Tantrum

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After Listening to Big man. You decided to take the little trio out for dinner. Little did you know it would go terribly wrong. 

You start out by driving, a nice slow drive until you get a call. "Daddy aren't you going to answer it?" Frye asks. "Uh...yeah." You sigh as you answer. "Hello?" A voice asks. "Sabrina, what do you want?" You ask with a moody voice. "No need to sound so happy." Sabrina sighs sarcastically. "Listen I saw you drive by, and I want to know if you want to go to dinner." Sabrina asks. "Yeah, me and my kids are headed out." You sigh. "Could I come as well?" Sabrina asks. "Sure, whatever. Just go to Monical's Pizza you'll find it, bye." You say quickly. "Daddy, do you not like her?" Frye asks. "That's one way of saying it." You sigh. "Then why'd you invite her to dinner?" Shiver asks. "Because she's lonely, and I'd feel bad if I just left her alone." You sigh. "Daddy, are you in love with her?" Big man asks. You blush bright red. "No way! I don't like her." You say. "But you're blushing." Frye points out. You sigh and refuse to even answer that. Once you get to Monical's you see that Sabrina is already there. "Hi!" Sabrina smiles. "Daddy said you were lonely and that's the only reason he invited you  here!" Frye smiles innocently. You quickly put your hand over her mouth with a sheepish laugh. "I-I didn't say that." You smile. "Yes you did." Shiver says  in a plain tone. "No I didn't." You smile. "You know little kid ears...they're so...um...misunderstanding." You smile. "Let's just go eat. I'm hungry." Big man smiles. The five of you walk in and order a table to sit at. You and Sabrina sit on one side of the booth and Shiver, Frye, and Big man sit on the other. "I wonder what's on the menu." Shiver hums. "What's a menu?" Big man asks. "The thing you order food off of, stupid." Shiver snarls. "Hey, be nice." You say sternly. Big man looks down in sadness before turning his attention to the size of the place. "This thing is huge!" Big man shouts. "Hey, hey, buddy, inside voice please." You say. "Daddy, where's the person who gives us the food?" Frye asks. "It's called a waiter dumbass." Shiver snaps. "Shiver! Apologize right now! That is NOT a word we use!" You say sternly. Shiver's eyes widen in fear. "S-sorry, Frye..." Shiver whimpers. "It's okay." Frye smiles as she wait for the waiter. "Hey daddy! I have a joke!" Big man smiles. "What is it?" You grin. "What's a computers favorite snack?" Big man asks. "I don't know, what is it?" You ask. "Microchips." Big man laughs. "Oh that's a really good one buddy!" You laugh. "I got one!"  Frye smiles. "Let's hear it." You smile. "My friend told me the ocean was friendly, I asked how, she told me that it 'waves' at me." Frye smiled. Surprisingly that made the whole table laugh. "That's funny!" Big man laughed. "Hello, may I take your order?" A tall man asks. "Oh uh yeah! I need a pepperoni pizza, and (Choose five drinks) please." You smile. "Will that be all for you today?" The man asks. "Yes." You smile. "Okay, I'll be right with you in a bit." The man says as he walks away. "What 'cha looking at, Shiver?" You ask. "I'm just...thinking." Shiver sighs. "About what?" You ask. "I just feel like I'm not where I'm supposed to be." Shiver mumbles. "Sometimes...I get that feeling too." Both Big man and Frye say. "But...it feels far away." The three of them say as smiles appear on their faces. You and Sabrina look at each other, then back at the trio. "Are you guys okay?" Sabrina asks. "Yeah." Frye smiles. "Okay, I've got pizza and your drinks right here." The waiter says as he puts the food down on the table. "Thank you." You smile as you look to the pizza. Frye looks at the pizza and her face immediately turns sour. "Why is it all... square like?" Frye asks. "Don't worry. I know it looks different, but it's actually really good." You smile. "NO!" Big man shouts, as he hops out the booth and runs out the doors. "Oh God." You sigh as you run out to go get him. "Big man, come here!" You shout. "NO! NO I DON'T WANT TO!!" Big man screams as he runs towards the busy road. "BIG MAN GET BACK HERE NOW!" You shout. "NO!" Big man cries. You quickly rush to him and grab him just in time. "NO! Let me go!" Big man screams. "No! I need you to listen to me. That was VERY dangerous! You could've died buddy." You say sternly. "I-I don't want to eat out anymore...I-I don't like Sabrina." Big man sniffles. "Why don't you like her? She's nice." You say calmly. "No she isn't!" Big man screams. "Fine, then we'll go back home." You sigh. "You poopy butt! Take me inside the store!" Big man screams. "Well, when you talk to me like that it makes me not want to take you to the store. "Then you're ugly!" Big man huffs. "That's not very nice." You say. "Then...then you're...then you're SUPER ugly!" Big man shouts. "That's it young man, I don't like the tone you're taking with me, so when we get home you'll have a time out." You say. "No I don't want to, you stinky skunk! You big booty lion, you hairless cat!" Big man says, as he continues to name call you. You can't help but snicker at some of the names. "Big man! Stop." You say sternly. "No! No I don't think I will!" Big man snaps as he continues to smack you. "Time out for sure." You say. "How about YOU take a time out daddy!" Big man screams as he tries to run away, but ends up tripping and falling on a rock. "DADDY!" Big man sobs. Karma, karma at it's finest. "Buddy are you okay?" You ask. "NO! I GOT HURT BY THAT DUMB ROCK!!" Big man sobs. "Oh...come here buddy." You say as you pick him up. "I hate rocks." Big man sniffles. "I'm sorry buddy." You murmur. You decided to take the rest of the kids and leave. This is NOT how you wanted your day out to go. "Well that didn't work out." You sigh as you enter your house. "What happened to you Big man?" Frye asks, as she points the manta's scared foot. "A rock attacked me! I barley made it out alive!" Big man gasped. "Oh....I thought I saw you scream at dad, try to run away, and then facepalm into the ground while tripping over a rock smaller than our pet hamster." Shiver smirks. "HEY! That didn't happen!" Big man shouts. "Whatever you say." Shiver giggles. "Kids, let's just...take a nap, shall we?" You ask. "But first. It's time out Big man." You say "NOOOO!!!" Big man screams, as he runs away, only to trip on a stuffed animal. "DAAAAADDDDY!!" Big man screams. Shiver and Frye burst out into laughter as you walk over to help Big man. "Are you okay buddy?" You ask. "NO! Frye's stupid eel thing-" Big man began. "HEY! Don't blame this on my eel!" Frye huffs. "I'm hurt." Big man sniffles. "Daddy, Frye needs to have a time out to. You told her to put her eels away and she didn't." Big man points out. "I don't even know how to describe how much I hate you right now." Frye snarls. "Alright alright, no need to get moody. None of you are in time out. Just please go take a nap." You sigh. Big man and Frye go, but Shiver doesn't. "Dad...I'm too old for naps." Shiver huffs. "Sweetie please. Dad is really tired." You ask. "You say that as if you being in pain motivates me." Shiver snaps. "Oh...so you don't care about your old man anymore...alright then..." You whimper. "UGH! FINE!" Shiver grumbles. "Thank you, sweetheart." You smile. "I'm only doing this cause you're making me feel bad!" Shiver snaps. She sounds really upset. Maybe you guilt tripped a little too hard. You walk up to Shiver's room and knock on the door. "What do you want!?" Shiver asks, she was no doubt crying, but you didn't want to walk in on her like that. "Sweetie pie? Are you okay?" You ask. "I'm FINE! Just go away!" Shiver shouts.You sigh as you walk away from the door. Having kids was MUCH harder than you thought.

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