It's the perfect Christmas

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It was morning, and snow. This Christmas break wasn't starting off great. You sigh as you get up from the bed you slept in, you had to admit. The nostalgia you felt from your old house felt great. "Daddy! It's Christmas eve!!" Frye smiles as she runs into your room, and jumps on your bed. "Ineed it is." You smile. "Daddy! Tommorow's Christmas!" Big man screamed as he also joined in. "Are you excited." You ask in an upbeat tone. "Yeah!!" Both Big man and Frye smile. "Where's Shiver?" You ask. "She's still asleep." Frye sighs. "Oh...alright then. We've got to wake her up soon though. I've got exciting plans for the day." You smile. "Yay!" Frye cheers as she jumps off the bed. "Go downstairs with Grandpa Rio, I'll be downstairs shortly." You say. Big man and Frye run downstairs, leaving you to go wake up Mrs. Grinch. You walk into the room your kids were sleeping in, but...Shiver wasn't asleep. She looked a bit stressed. "Hey sweeite. Why aren't you downstairs with your siblings?" You ask. "I don't want to spend Christmas with old people." Shiver snarls. " parents are amazing, I promise." You smile. "Psh, yeah right. I tired to stop Frye and Big man from going downstairs...but they're too ignorant." Shiver sighs. "How about this. Today, we don't have to spend the time with my parents, and on Christmas, we can." You say. "I...guess." Shiver shrugs. You leave Shiver alone and walk downstairs to find Frye and Big man having the time of their lives with their grandparents. "I'm gonna get you!" Your mom smiles as runs after Frye, who laughs and runs away. Big man was cuddling with your dad and talking about your dads glory days. You hated when he talked about his glory days. Shiver soon comes down nad wraps her arms around your legs. You look down at her with a smile and message her tenteclas. "Shiver! You're awake! Daddy said we are doing something fun today!" Frye cheers. "Oh? What is it?" Shiver asks. "Well...while grandpa and grandma get the house ready for the Christmas guests." You smile."GUESTS!?" Shiver screams. "Don't worry, they won't bother you sweetie." You smile. "Okay...I-I just...don't want them bothering me." Shiver mumbles. "I promise they won't." You smile. "We are going skiing today, and hopefully ice skating." You smile. "Ice skating!?" All the kids say happily.
You and your kids arrive at the skating rink and get your skates on. "I've never ice skated before..." Big man whimpers. "None of us have, dingus." Shiver snaps. "Be nice." You say. "Come on daddy! We have to go!" Frye says excitedly. "Shiver, go with Frye. I'll help Big man with his skates." You say. "Okay." Shiver smiles as she takes Frye's hand and the two walk out onto the ice. "Wow daddy! Look how good Shiver and Frye are at skating!" Big man gasps. You turn around and shock hits your face harder than a truck. There the two were, skating flawlessly. "Do you think I can skate like that?" Big man asks. "I'm sure you can." You smile as you pull Big man onto the ice. Big man screams and clings onto you. "Daddy! Don't let me die-oh my God!!!!" Big man screams. You giggle at the scene. "Don't worry buddy. You're not going to die." You laugh. "Big man, just move your feet like this." Frye smiles. Big man watched Frye's foot movement and grew angry. "I can't move my feet like that! Daddy! Frye's making me jealous!" Big man snaps. "I'm only trying to help him." Frye shot back. "Y-y/ that you?" You heat a voice ask. You turn around to see Sabrina. Sabrina was your old high school friend. "Sabrina!?" You ask. "It's me in the flesh. But dang boy, you've been busy. Three kids!?" Sabrina smiles. "You've heard of my kids?" You ask. "Of course! They were on the news for best looking kids." Sabrina smiles. "Oh yeah..." You sigh. "Dad...please don't tell me another old hag is going to try to have Christmas with us." Shiver groans. "Shiver! Be nice." You say. "Whatever." Shiver grumbles. "Don't worry, she's just being a mood." Frye smiles. "Hey! I heard that!" Shiver laughs as she skates over to Frye, and tickles her. "Hahaha! S-Shiver stop!" Frye laughs. "Hey! I want some love too." Big man whimpers. Frye and Shiver look at each other, before chasing after Big man, who happily waddles away. "They're adorable." Sabrina smiles. "Yeah...when they're not getting into trouble, or fighting, they're acutally pretty cute." You smile. You watch as Shiver and Frye jump on top of Big man as he swings them around. You chuckle at the sight.
"They are very adorable. Though I wonder...d-do they have...a mother?" Sabrina asks. "Excuse me?" You ask in suprise, not in a rude way. "Well...I was just wondering. These children are lovley and...they deserve a you have one for them?" Sabrina asks. "No...they don't need one. I am taking care of them just fine on my own. Plus, if they really wanted to know, they'd ask." You say sternly. "Don't you have children of your own?" You ask. "Um...y-yes I do." Sabrina stutters. "So then why are you so fascinated by mine? It's not your place to judge. These are my kids. Worry about yours." You snap as you walk away from Sabrina. "Daddy daddy! Look what we made up!" Frye smiles. "You guys ready?" Frye asks excitedly, earning snickers from Shiver and Big man. They then start singing, "Hohoho! Mary Christmas, Santa fell in the snow! Hohoho! Mary Chirstmas! Rudolph doesn't know where to go. Hohoho! Mary Christmas! We took over Santa Claus's sleigh. Hohoho! Mary Christmas! We will slay all DAAAY!" The trio sang, laughing at the end. You chuckle at their song. "That was amazing." You smile. "Come on guys! Let's go skate!" Shiver cheers. "Yeah!" Frye and Big man smile. The three kids went out on the ice, Shiver and Frye helping Big man find his balance and skate. It was adorable. "Daddy! Aren't you gonna come skate with us?" Frye asks as she skates over to you."Frye no! Don't go-" Big man screams, but is interrupted when his body hits the ground. Big man starts laughing along with Shiver. "Daddy! Come skate!" Frye smiles. "Oh...uh...daddy isn't that good at skating. So he's gonna stay here." You smile. Frye's eyebrows furrow as tears fill her eyes. "I guess I can skate for a little bit." You smile. "Yeah! Guys daddy's gonna come skate with us!" Frye cheers. "Yay!" Big man smiles. You put on skates and begin your way onto the ice. You grab on the rail to hopefully get your balance. But then you see Shiver skating over to you. "You need help, dad?" Shiver asks with concern in her voice. "Oh...don't worry about me sweetie. Go out Big man and Frye." You smile kindly. "N-no...I don't want to. I want to help you." Shiver says with a slight blush. You were seeing Shiver's true colors. Behind her trying to act all cool and tough...she was genuinely really sweet and kind. " you show me how you skate?" You ask. "Yeah!" Shiver smiles, you watch her in awe. She was really good. "Come on dad!" Shiver calls. You slowly come out on the ice. And you had to admit, it was really fun. "Look Big man! Daddy's skating!" Frye smiles. "Go daddy!" Big man cheers. "Come on dad! I've almost lapped you 5 times!" Shiver laughs. "Oh is that right?" You smirk as you quickly pick up Shiver and begin tickling her. "Haha! Dad! No, that's cheating!" Shiver laughs. "Oh is it?" You smirk. "Come on, let's get going." You smile. "Aww man!" Frye moans. "It's almost night. Do you really want to spend the night at a skating rink?" You ask the inkling. "Yeah!" The trio smiles. You chuckle, and you and your kids soon leave. Y-your kids? No no, you were just...fostering them. "I'm tierd daddy..." Big man mumbles. "Already? Don't you want to go meet...Santa?" You ask. Frye and Big man perk up at that, but Shiver remains neutral. "Don't get all excited idots, Santa isn't real." Shiver groans. Frye immediately starts crying as loud as she can. "SHIVER!!" You snap. "I'm telling the truth!" Shiver yells. "No...don't worry you two. Shiver is being a grinch right now. But Santa is real, and if you still believe, then we can go see him." You say in a calm tone. "Y-you really think he's real?" Frye asks. "He's as real as you and me." You smile. "Yay! Santa!" Big man cheers. " guys are such babies..." Shiver scoffs. "Shiver...Santa isn't going to bring you any presents if you keep acting like this." You say sternly. "Santa isn't going to bring me presents, because Santa doesn't exists." Shiver snarls. "Do you wanna take that chance?" You ask. Shiver doesn't say anything after that. "Are we here!? Santa's work shop?" Frye asks. "Yes we are." You smile as you and the kids get out of the car and walk to the center. Soon you see a big man in a red suit with a white beard surrounded by reindeer. "See Shiver! See!? Santa IS real!" Frye squeals. "I'm gonna ask for a remote control police car!" Big man smiles as he begins to make siren noises. "Stop in the name of the law." Big man smiles as him and Frye run in circles around you. "No! You'll never catch me!" Frye smiles. "Ugh...guys! We're in public." Shiver groans. "Well you don't have to be so kind." Frye snaps in reply. "Oh really!? You wanna get sarcastic with me!? Cause I'll tell you one thing. Frye, you are dumb, the only reason you have that big forehead, is so peoppe can laugh at it. If you were smart, you wouldn't be failing SPECAIL ED! Seriously! How is dad gonna put you in the most simplest class you could been in and you STILL FAIL!? That's not by accident, you're just stupid." Shiver yells back. Frye grows tears in her eyes as she stares at Shiver in disbelief. "I...I thought loved me..." Frye sniffles as the tears fall down her face. "Then you thought wrong." Shiver hisses. Frye walks over to you in silence. "Shiver. That was unacceptable, and I will be talking to you when we get to my parents house." You say sternly. "Whatever." Shiver groans. "Frye...are you okay?" You ask leaning down to Frye. "Y-yeah..." Frye sighs before she breaks and begins to sob. "Come here baby." You say in a sad tone as you hug Frye. "I'm sorry Shiver said that to you." You murmur. "Yeah. You're not dumb and you're really pretty." Big man smiles. "No I'm not..." Frye sobs. "I think you are, young girl." A deep voice says. You look up to see...Santa. "S-Santa?" Frye sniffles. "Yes little one. Please tell me what troubles you." Santa asks. "M-m-my sister said that she...she hates me...that I'm dumb...and that...that I'm ugly." Frye sniffles. "Oh...that is not true. You are gorgeous. You're cute golden eyes, rich dark skin, and cute ears makes you a beautiful girl." Santa smiles. Frye smiles as the compliments. "Come little one and sit on Santa's lap." Santa smiles. Frye jumps over to Santa with a smile. Santa wipes the remaining tears off of Frye's face before speaking. "What do you want for Christmas?" Santa asks. "I-I want my sister Christmas. I want her to have a good Christmas. Even if you don't give me any presents. Please at least make sure Shiver has some." Frye pleads. Tears fill your eyes as you listen to Frye's wish. She was so kind and sweet. "That is a very sweet young miss. I think I can make that wish come true." Santa smiles. "Yay!" Frye smiles. Before's time to go. All three kids were knocked out, which made driving home a LOT easier. Once you arrive you take each kid in one by one and set them in bed. Today was a great day...besides near ending of it. You go to your old bed and close your eyes to sleep. Hopefully tommorow would be better.

"DADDY WAKE UP IT'S CHRISTMAS AND SANTA LEFT GIFTS!!!" Frye screams. You slowly wake up to see Frye jumping up and down in excitement. "Big man and Shiver are already downstairs! Come on!" Frye cheers. You walk downstairs with Frye and you can already hear presents being opened. "Guys! Wait for me!" Frye complains as she runs down to Shiver and Big man. "You guys like your presne-" You begin, but Shiver cuts you off. "A NEW SHARK BABY PLUSHY! EEEEE!" Shiver squeals before looking around to see everyone looking at her with suprised smiles. "I-I mean... this is alright. I mean...I don't really care for it but...whatever." Shiver scoffs. You smile before walking over to Big man. "What did ya get buddy?" You ask. "A REMOTE CONTROLLED POLICE CAR!!!" Big man screams. You laugh at the excitement in his voice. Frye opens hers and is more than delighted to see a eel plushy. "I'm naming you miracle!" Frye smiles as she hugs the plushy. You take pictures of your kids and their presents. They were so happy to have them. Each kid got 10 presents. So you did good. Though not completely nice towards them, Shiver was no longer stink eyeing your parents. She evem managed to have a friendly conversation. And during your trip to the ski park, Big man met...a girl. You had to get the mom's phone number so the two could stay in touch. And now matter how many times Big man argued against it, he had a crush. You knew he did. Frye had met two new friends at the Ski lift. You got their parents phone number too. Frye loved her new friends. But sadly...tommorow you had to leave. It was night time, and you, the tiny trio, and your parents were all at a small park that over looked the whole city.

 It was night time, and you, the tiny trio, and your parents were all at a small park that over looked the whole city

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And before you knew began to snow. Tiny snow flakes fell from the sky. The tiny trio rested their heads on you as they watched the snow fall with you. This was indeed...the perfect Christmas.

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