Family time

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Time flies by am I right? The kids were almost 10. And you had figured out the ages of them. Correctly this time. Shiver was in an early 10 years of age, Frye was two years younger making her 8, and Big man was 7. Even though they had started elementary school, it didn't mean they were used to it. "Ugh! What even is this!?" Shiver groans as she throwa her pencil on the table. "It's homework, Shivy." Frye replies. "I know that!" Shiver hisses. "Hey, drop the attitude." You say sternly. Shiver just looks down at her homework in defeat. "Maybe if you got your homework done instead of playing on your phone, you wouldn't he sitting here right now." You groan. "I'm sorry..." Shiver whimpers. "Thank you for apologizing. Now, let's see what this is..." You mumur as you look at the paper. "Daddy? I-I need help." Big man whines. "Hold on buddy, let me help Shiver real quick." You say holding up a finger. "This is so stupid!!!" Shiver screams as she rests her head on the table. "Well, sweatheart, maybe we should get our work done when it's assigned. Instead of jumping on our phones." You say. "I said sorry!" Shiver snaps, looking up at you. "Yes you did. But you screaming at me and being impatient makes me not want to help you." You say sternly. Shiver looks down and whimpers. "Now...ehat is this number right here?" You ask. "I...I don't know...I-I'm sorry..." Shiver mumurs. "Never be sorry for not knowing a question." You smile. "Daddy...I um....I think I need to go to the bathroom." Big man whimpers. "You don't have to ask to go to the bathroom." You smils. Big man quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom. You sigh as you shake your head. "Kids, am I right?"
You sigh as you look at the 8:13am, school started at 9:30. "Alright kids...let's work at little faster on this homework." You say. "It's almost time for school already!? UGH!!!! I've only done 3 problems!" Frye groans. "Well maybe you should start coming in at night and doing your homework instead of waiting till the morning to do it." You say. "This is stupid!" Frye snaps. "I'm gonna go make some breakfast, and I want you two to continue to work." You say. "But...Big man isn't working." Frye points out. "Well he's already completed his homework. He did it last night so that he can have some time to himself in the mornings." You say as you walk to the kitchen. You get started on breakfast and things were goig well...until..."Give it back!" Frye screams. You quickly stop what you're doing and walk into the living room. "Shiver give it back I'm not done with it!" Frye snaps. "Maybe you should go back to 1st grade. Ha, you've gotten half these problems wrong." Shiver laughs. Tears roll down Frye's cheeks as she tries to retrieve her homework. "Shiver!" You snap. Shiver quickly turns around to see you glaring at her. "Give Frye's paper back! You should be focused on your homework instead of teasing her!" You snap. Shiver hands Frye's paper back, but when Frye gets it back she glares at it, crumbles it, and throws it to the floor. "Hey...what was that for?" You ask as you walk over to Frye. "Shiver's r-right..." Frye sobs. "About what?" You ask. "I-I'm too dumb to do this...." Frye whimpers. "'re not dumb. Maybe you just have a harder time learning." You say in a kind tone. "No! Because I'm already in special ed! If I can't pass specail ed then I can't pass anything!" Frye wails. You pick Frye up into your arms and hold her tight. Frye sobs in your shoulder gripping onto you. "I'm not smart enough..." Frye cries. "Yes you just need a bit more help than everyone else. And that's okay." You say kindly. Frye calms down and gets back to doing her work.
Soon it was time to go, you grab everyone and put them in the car. On your drive you hear a tierd sigh come from Big man. "Big man, you alright buddy?" You ask. "Yeah....I just...really want ice cream." Big man mumbles.  "Well we could get some, you don't have to be all sad about it." You say. "But I don't want you to waste your money..." Big man sighs. He was so kind. "Buddy it's okay, it's not like you're constantly asking for stuff." You say. "How about this, we all take a day off and go to the zoo." You smile. "You can't just do that. We have to go to school." Frye says. "I'll just tell them  we're on vacation. They don't have to know." You smile as you drive to Dairy Queen. Once you arrive you and the kids go inside. "Yum! Ice cream!" Big man smiles as he licks his ice cream. "Ready for the zoo?" You ask. "Yes!" The trio cheers. "Then...lets go!" You smile. You and the tiny trio drive all the way to the zoo. "We're here!" You smile, but when you turn around, you see the cutest scene. The trio was fast asleep with Shiver and Frye resting their heads on Big man, while Big man had his fins wrapped around the duo. You almost didn't want to wake them up. "Guys...wakey wakey." You whisper slightly as to not scare the sleeping trio. Shiver wakes up first, and immediately starts blushing as she pushes away from Big man. "Don't worry Shivs, I won't tell them." You giggle. Frye and Big man slowly get up, "Oh...we're here?" Frye asks as she rubs her eyes. "Yup. Let's go." You smile. You and the trio walk to the zoo's entrance and once you get in, you were amazed. The zoo looked awesome

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