Snow Day

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You sigh as you wake up to...snow? You quickly rush out to your window to see the tiny snowflakes rapidly falling from the sky. "Oh...crap." You mutter to yourself as you check your phone. There was indeed, a notification that the kids would not be going into school today. You let out a sigh as you walk into Frye's room. She was supposed to have dance practice today. But that was now canceled. Slowly walk up to the sleeping girl and gently shake her awake. "Frye, you awake?" You whisper. "Daddy? I-is it time to get up already?" Frye asks rubbing her eye sleepily. "Actually, it's not. You don't have school today due to all the snow." You smile. "YES!" Frye cheers as she jumps out the bed and runs into Shiver's room. You quickly follow, not sure how this situation would play out. Frye quickly jumps onto Shiver's bed and begins jumping happily. "Shiver! Wake up! No school!" Frye cheers. Shiver looks up at the inkling in annoyance and puts a pillow over her head to block out her sister's words. "Shut up and go to sleep. The sun isn't even out yet." Shiver grumbles. "Didn't you hear what I said?" Frye asks. "No school it's snowing!" Frye explained. "Wait..." Shiver paused. "What!" Shiver yelled, not even trying to hide the large smile forming on her face. She threw off the blankets and quickly ran to her window. There was indeed snow... A LOT of snow. "This is AWESOME!" Shiver shouted. "I know right!?" Frye agreed. Both sharing a excited "Eeeee!" Before running to Big man's room. You chuckled at the sight before going downstairs to make some breakfast. Yoh decided on some fluffy pancakes with chocolate chips, and some chocolate milk. You needed them to have some energy for the day you had planned. After making the breakfast you call down the kids. And they all squeal at the sight of their favorite breakfast. Frye, to no ones surprise, begins scarfing down the pancakes, resulting a choking fit. "I told you to slow down." Shiver grumbles, patting the choking girl's back. After Frye was done coughing up her lungs, she began going back to scarfing down the food as if she hadn't just choked on it. "Frye, please... manners at the table." You way. "Sorry daddy.'s just so yummy!" Frye smiled. "I know, your dad can make some good pancakes." You smirk. "You can't make a muffin to save your life though." Shiver giggled, causing the other two to chuckle as well. "I can!" You protest. "Oh yeah? When?" Shiver asks. "Ay ay  (Yeah dad...when have you ever made a edible muffin?)" Big man laughed. "I've done it before, that's all you need to know." You explain. "Riiiiiight." Shiver smirks. "Watch it little lady." You smile. Shiver giggles as she walks away, putting her plate in the sink. "Alright kids, get bundled up!" You say, clapping your hands together. "Huh?" The three ask in union. "Go put on some warm clothes, Big man I'll help you get your coat and mittens on." You say. After your little trio was ready to go. You let them into the car and grabbed a few sleds. "Daddy, what are those long things?" Frye asked. "Oh...they're called sleds." You explain. "What's a sled?" Frye asks. "It's like something you ride down a hill with." Shiver explained. "Ay ay (Where are we going?)" Big man asked. "You'll see." You smile. 

Once you arrive the the park, you get out the car, carrying four sleds behind you. "Come one guys." You say as you walk near the edge of the hill. This was a big one. And hardly anyone was there. This was great. "Alrighty." You smile as you place the sleds on the snow. "Now each of you get in one." You say. Frye and Shiver quickly get on a sled. However, Big man stays where he's at. His tiny flipper is in his mouth as he shakes. "Come on buddy, don't you want to sled?" You ask. Big man shakes his head and slowly takes a few steps back. "How about you ride with me?" You asks. Big man looks reluctant, but he slowly walks over to you. "Good job buddy. Now I'll sit down first." You say as you sit in the sled. You then take Big man's little flipper in your hand and lead him to with in front of you. "Alright 3...2..." You begin, but stop when you hear Big man whimpering. "It's okay buddy, I've got you." You whisper into his ear, wrapping one arm around him. "1!" You smile as you all speed down the hill. "WHOOOOOHOOOO!!!" You hear Frye yell. "This is Great!" Shiver cheers. And though quiet, you can hear Big man give quiet laughs of delight. "I'm gonna abort this ship people!" Frye calls as she jumps out the sled, rolling at high speeds down the hill. Once you reach the end, you happily tickle Big man. "Wasn't that fun little dude!?" You smile. "Ay (Yeah!)" Big man laughs. Your attention then turns too Frye, who is covered in snow. Shiver began giggling at the sight. "Not one word." Frye hisses. "But you look like a deformed snowman!" Shiver laughs, falling out her sled in the process. "I hate you." Frye smiled. 

"Who wants to build a snowman!?" Frye called. "Ay  ay (Yeah!)" Big man smiles. "Alright, let's build the butt!" Frye smiled. "That's not what that's called." You laugh. "But you know it's true!" Frye argued, as she rolled up some snow. "What are you doing?" Shiver chuckled as she watched Frye try to make a big snow ball. "This snow isn't snowing for me." Frye grumbled, but her mouth immediately dropped when she saw Big man rolling up the perfect sized ball. "How are you doing that!?" Frye asked in shock. "Ay ay (Sorry, can't tell ya. It's kind of a Big man thing.)" Big man smiled as he finished the first part of the snowman. "Oh yeah?" Frye asked as she made her own little ball. Then without warning, threw it at Big man. "Ay (Hey!)" Big man whined. "Sorry, it's kind of a Frye thing." Frye mocked sticking out her tounge. But Big man made her regret that when he threw a snowball perfectly aimed at her mouth. "Pleh! Cold!" Frye spat. "Snowball fight?" You ask. "Oh it's on." Frye smirked. "Guess I'll just...finish the snowman." Shiver mumbled. "You can play with us." You say sympathetically. "No thanks, I'll" Shiver sighs. You cock an eyebrow in concern, but then a snowball hits you right in the face. "Alright, that was a cheap shot! Who threw that?!" You ask, noticing Big man quickly trying to waddle away. "Oh you poor thing." You chuckle to yourself, as you throw a ball to the back of Big man's head, causing him to pathetically fall on his face. You chuckle at the sight, but then you hear something. "Oh look Zoe, its Shiver. Still following this stranger cause you don't have parents!? Ha! How pathetic!" The girl laughs. "Ya Molly, look at her all alone. Did your " family" leave you again?" Zoe smirks. "Probably, I mean who in the world with common sense I might add, wants to adopt let alone be around you?" Molly asked. "Hey!" You shout causing the two girls to look up at you. "Get away from my daughter!! NOW!" You yell, causing the two girls to run away in fear. "Stupid kids." You grumble, as you crouch down to Shiver. "Hey, you okay?" You ask. You get a sniffle in response. "Oh sweetie. Don't listen to them." You coo, as you hug Shiver tight. "I had no idea you were being bullied, why didn't you tell me?" You ask. No answer, but that didn't matter. You'd wait until she was ready to tell you. "Daddy! Why'd you stop play with-" Frye began, but stopped when she saw the state Shiver was in. "Hey, what's wrong?" Frye asked, quickly running to Shiver's side. "Some stupid bullies, that's all." You sigh. Big man also saddled over in concern. "Ay ay (Shiver sad?)" Big man whimpered. "If anyone bullies my sister I'll mess them up." Frye snarled. After a bit, Shiver pulled out of the hug, and sighed. "C-can I join the snowball fight?" Shiver asks, wiping her teary face. "Of course! Come on Shiv, you're on my team!" Frye smiled, taking Shiver's hand and walking to the little fort she had made. You'd ask Shiver about the bully situation later, right now you just wanted all of them to have fun. And you did. All day was spent at the park, snowball fighting, snow angles, sleding. You even went on a bit of deer spotting. But now the night sky had made it's appearance. And adorable Big man had already fallen asleep in the snow. "Come on girls, let's go home." You smile. You put all of them in the car, and the second you put Frye in the car, she fell asleep. How cute. You began the calm drive home, letting the occasional street lights be your guide. "Dad?" You heard Shiver ask. "Yes?" You answer. "Thanks...for today. I needed it." Shiver sighs. "You're welcome sweetie." You smile.

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