Chapter 4

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This chapter is based on season 1 episode 13 aka caught stealing.

This is what Sylvia is wearing I'm going to start putting some clothing in this book to create more of an image

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This is what Sylvia is wearing I'm going to start putting some clothing in this book to create more of an image. Obviously she won't be wearing this while on shift.

After a couple days of bed rest and Tim being by my side the whole time I am finally able to go back to work again. Tim tried to drive me but I insisted that u drove to get used to everyday life again. Web u pull into the parking lot of the station I am not surprised to see Tim leaning against the wall next to the doors on his phone. I hop out of my car as his head snaps up looking strait at me. I smile walking up to him.
Sylvia: "hey"
I say throwing my blue and green backpack on my shoulder.
Tim: "hey, I just wanted to make sure that you got here all right."
He smiles giving me a hug. I wrap my arms around him and laugh.
Sylvia: "your like a child who's after something, I thought you had turned into some hard know it all with no empathy and emotions not some softy."
I say flicking the back of his head.
Tim: "I still am just not for you."
He pauses then says.
Tim: "hold on that description, I've heard it somewhere before."
He questions pulling out of the hug. I smirk as Chen pulls up in her car and shouts.
Lucy: "hi guys"
Before walking away inside. Tim looks like he's lost in thought so I poke his cheek and he snaps back to reality and shouts.
Tim: "Chen"
I'm confused so I say
Sylvia: "yes that was Chen, are you okay."
I laugh before he playfully punches me in the arm.
Tim: "No I mean Chen told you that description didn't she?"
I realise he has me figured out so I laugh and run away shouting "no comment" which makes him chase after me. Luckily I manage to get inside the girls locker room before he catches me and shout "sucker". I see Chen looking at me confused to I explain what just happened and tell her that we're both dead. She simply laughs and I join her.

After me and Lucy get changed we walk into roll call a couple seconds late and everyone is silent. And Nolan and Jackson look like there freaking out. Grey doesn't even notice that we have walked in until I say something.
Sylvia: "what's going on guys." I'm really confused now because I look at Tim who isn't even looking at me, he's looking strait at Lucy.
Grey: "last night the rookies watched some money and a quarter of a million pounds has been stolen, I don't want to admit it but right now Nolan, West and Chen are the only suspects."
I'm shocked, i knew about the money watching and I was talking to Lucy most of the time that she was there so I don't see how she could have done it, I also believe she is a solid cop, it can't be her. I kind of zone out for the rest of role call and miss all of the information. I walk out but I'm stoped by a strong hand gripping my arm. I spin around quickly and see Tim.
Tim: "where are you going?"
He questioned. I'm confused and he can see that.
Tim: "Chen and the rest of the rookies are under inspection today so grey paired us up, why are you walking away did I do something to upset you silver.?"
He looks genuinely sad and upset as I take in what he's just said.
Sylvia: "no Teddy it's not you I just didn't hear what Grey said, I zoned out begging that it wasn't Lucy because I've grown so close to her over these past few weeks. It feels good to have so many new friends you know." I start to tear up a bit and he pulls me into yet another hug.
Tim: "I completely understand now let's get going."
We walk out to the shop and have a nice quiet day with no harsh calls which I was actually happy about because I get a chill first day back.

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