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It's pitch black outside, still on the island, still partying and getting drunk, it was fun. It's currently 9:30 pm. There were fairy lights on and there were still some bright lights so you could see. And there was some loud music. Felix was more drunk then before, now dancing like a maniac, dancing with a drunk Mingi and Yeosang.

Hyunjin was watching from afar, slowly smiling as he brings the drink up to his lips. Not taking his eyes off Felix.

"Hey there!" Hyunjin spat his drink out as he jumped, in fear and shock. He looked round with wide eyes as he sees Jongho, who came out of absolute no where.

"Jongho. Please don't scare me like that." Hyunjin said as he touched where his heart is. Jongho just chuckles.

"Congrats with wedding and officially being married. He seems sweet. And he's being very nice to mine and Yunho's boyfriends." Jongho said. Hyunjin just hummed and nodded, the two watching their boyfriends.

"Our boyfriends are drunk." Hyunjin suddenly said.

"Mmm. It's fine, I know how to deal with it." Jongho answered and Hyunjin was surprised.

"How?" Hyun answered.

"Do you not know how?" Jongho chuckled.

"Obviously not. I never experienced this." Hyunjin said and Jongho rolled his eyes.

"First of all. Make sure they get home safely, don't leave them alone. Not for one second." Jongho started.

"Second of all, get them in comfortable clothes if not already, and then take them to bed so their warm and cozy in bed. But before they sleep, just help them sit up and bed and give them some water to sober them up a little. Maybe some food like soup? I don't know. And then make sure their comfy and let them sleep." Jongho explained.

"How come you know how to do that?" Hyun asked.

"Oh, my father, your uncle, taught me. It was a couple years ago, he was preparing me to get ready for when I start dating. He pretended to be my lover and then taught me how to do it. Also Yeosang has got drunk once before, which was a while ago, and I dealt with it and it was fine." Jongho smiled, proud of himself.

"Cool." Hyunjin hummed.


"Yeosang seems like a pretty cool guy. How did you meet him?" Hyunjin asked.

"Oh. We actually met a year ago and have been dating for a year. Basically, it was midnight and I snuck out to go to the mini shop I usually go to, to get some of my favourite snacks and drinks. By the way you can't tell my parents this, I told them I met him online, but anyway, as I exited the shop I walked down the street and I saw he was arguing with someone, and the person he was arguing with was trying to take his bike." Jongho started.

"So then I went a bit closer and they looked at me. The guy started being rude but luckily Sang defended me. Soon the mysterious boy walked away so I asked Yeosang what happened and Yeosang was explaining how he came out the shop and he saw someone trying to take his bike. He then asked why I was wearing a mask, cap and hoodie since it was summer at the time and even though it was midnight, it was still a little hot outside. Only a little. So we pinky promised that he wouldn't tell anyone. I don't know why I trusted him so much, I just had a weird feeling floating in my stomach. Anyway."

"I took the cap off, and the mask but kept my hood up, making sure no one was around and made sure no one saw. Yeosang's eyes and mouth widened as he started getting excited and then he made me sign his note pad, which I happily did. After a couple minutes of talking he said he had to go, as he hopped on his bike and went to leave but I stopped him and I said 'meet me here again, midnight, tomorrow.' That's exactly what I said. And then I met him again, and we kept meeting and meeting and yeah. One night we just kissed and yeah." Jongho finished.

My Prince [Hyunlix // Hyunjin x Felix] Where stories live. Discover now