10:Don't fucking touch me.

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TW: Verbal abuse, and mentions of self-harm and suicide.

Oh, and a little meme up there courtesy of my beta.


"Eli!" He cringed.

"David. Hi." He really didn't want to talk to him at the moment.

"Are you busy?" He cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah. Kind off." Elijah smiled, staring into his eyes.

"Oh." David looked up at the ceiling. Light fell upon him gracefully, his eyes shone beneath the amber lights, his skin glinted shining in a soft orange coloration. "I guess... Or. Can we talk now? it's really quick?"

"Actua- Yeah I guess so." He shrugged, if they spoke now, maybe David would stop pestering him.

"In private?"

Elijah shrugged following him into the back.

David locked the door, he was uneasy, his heartbeat accelerating with every second that passed. Elijah was too lost in thought, wailing in his own misery to notice any of this.

His palms were sweaty as they pushed him against the wall. David pressed his lips on Elijah's.

'Bad call'

"David! What the fuck?!" Elijah pressed his palms against David's shoulder pushing him so hard he stumbled back.

"I-I-I- I thought you liked me?" He stuttered, his eyes wide in shock.

"You think, Sherlock?!" Elijah retorted.

"Well- yeah" David whispered in utter confusion.

"After all that shameless flirting!" He shouted. "And you think!" He was furious. "Are you stupid or something?! Life is not eternal boy! Time passes, things change!"


"Let's just forget about this, okay?" His voice volume dropped before he cracked a crooked smile.

"Okay." David whispered back seconds before hearing the door slam shut behind Elijah.

He sighed.

He was a mess, why did he even do that in the first place? Elijah most surely hated him now.

He walked out the back room. Elijah was standing behind the bar having a mini panic attack.

"Are you okay?" He jumped in place, turning to look at him immediately. It took him a couple seconds to acknowledge him as his brain processed the information.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

David turned around to leave. Elijah was a disaster, how did he even like him? Before he made it halfway to the stairs he had a sudden change of mind and turned on his heels, then retracing his steps.

"Look. I neeajw." Their laughter filled the empty bar. "I wanted to apologize about earlier. I shouldn't have done that."

"No, it's okay. I should be the one to apologize actually. I'm sorry for lashing out at you like that." He bent over the counter, laying his head atop it. "I'm not in a good place right now. I know that doesn't justify-"

"Eli?" David called softly and Elijah hummed in response. The red one grabbed his chin and tilted it to meet his level. "Kiss me, Eli." He pleaded softly, his voice was barely audible in the dark pub.

Elijah complied.

He kissed him. And melted onto the kiss. He wanted to be 'over' it or whatever. But kissing him, he was in Heaven, although it didn't felt as good as he thought it would. It felt right, and he didn't like that. He moaned into David's open mouth as the other traced his body with greedy hands.

"Pretty boy..." A low whisper reached him from across the room.


"Aaron" He acknowledged him, practically jumping away from David.

"I was just here to see if we could talk for a moment?" He hinted at the back room with a discreet look and Elijah nodded.

He locked the door behind themselves once inside.

"Aaron look." Elijah started mumbling inconsistent nonsense about 'explaining' before Aaron interrupted him.

"I just came by to tell you I'm going to Chicago." His voice was broken, cracked, like he was sad, suffering.

"Oh, well." His mood faltered more than before. His eyelids dropped, like he had been doing an enormous effort to keep them open, and his arms dropped to his sides.

Aaron's face contorted.

"You think you can just do this type of things?" Their lips were brushing. "That you can pull this number on us?" Elijah cowarded away, Aaron towering over him. "That you can-" He felt something wet fall on his cheek.

"Are you crying, Aaron?"

"I.hate.you '' His face contorted in pain when their eyes locked. "If you think you can play with me like this you're very wrong..." Aaron was breathing on his face, which probably wasn't a good idea, because the smells invading his nostrils made him want to forget about it and push Elijah against a wall while kissing him rough. "You're despicable." He was so angry, more at himself than at Elijah to be honest. "You are full of shit." Elijah brought his hand to touch Aaron's face. "Don't fucking touch me you fucking..." He took a deep breath. "Faggot." And whispered the word in his face, their lips brushing.

He stomped out of there, slamming doors. In true honesty, he regretted a lot of what he had said, but he was just too angry to give a fuck.

The warm wind blew in his face, and he felt a shiver run down his spine; something was wrong. He knew something was wrong.

He had grown a knot in his stomach, his gut was screaming at him. The feeling was too dreadful to be ignored, although he didn't wanted to go back in there. But he couldn't.

He had to ease his mind.

He pretty much ran back in, angry at himself for not being able to stay angry at Elijah, although that didn't make any sense.

He ran up the stairs blatantly ignoring the other guy.

He felt a shiver again.

He braced himself before turning on the doorknob, and opening the door to Elijah's room that was thankfully unlocked.

He was there, standing by the window, his back facing Aaron. The curtains were closed, and no lights were on, making the room pitch black.



"Sorry to barge in, see I-" He froze, his heart beating at a hundred miles per hour. "Elijah!" He shouted, letting go of the doorknob and running in the room. "What the fuck are you doing?" He took the blade out of the boy's hands.

"Give it back." He demanded finally turning to look at him with an almost ghostly appearance.

"Fuck no!" Aaron held it out of his reach, although he didn't seem to try at all.

Elijah just stared at him.

"What's that stupid dripping shit?!" He screamed looking at the ceiling, before realization dawned on him.

He froze, pale, cold sweat trickling down his face. Slowly, very slowly, he started to look down, bracing himself.

But there's no preparation to avoid dying inside when you see a loved one bleed.

Blood trickled from his wrist and into a small pool of blood beneath it, splashing his shoes.

Aaron clenched his jaw. His face contorted in anguish. He wasn't ready for that. No-one could ever be ready for something like that.

After a couple seconds of panic that seemed eternal he grabbed Elijah's wrist and held it trying to stop the bleeding.

"What have you done Elijah?"


A/N: Yeah, so that happened... Haha *insert awkward laugh* So yeah, this is the messed up event I mentioned earlier.

Next chapter out on Wednesday.

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