The creek

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(I'M SO SO SO SORRY TO KEEP YOU ALL WAITING, my mental health has been actual shit lately and I haven't found the time to write, but my summer holiday starts literally after tomorrow so I'll hopefully be writing more.)
(Enjoy! Or don't...I can't tell you what to do. -Skaz) 

No one's POV:
It was quiet in the neighbourhood. It was early in the morning, and everything was finally peaceful. Now weird cults, no underlying trauma and guilt, just a nice non stressful morning. For once.
Howdy and Wally were cuddling in bed together, Howdy keeping Wally wrapped in his arms while Wally slept(?). Howdy held Wally close to him, happy his husband was finally safe at home with him and that nothing could come between them now. Life sure had been a pain in the ass (whoops) but it was all worth it. They were safe. They were home. They were together. And to Howdy, that's all that mattered.

9am soon rolled around. Howdy slowly woke up and looked down at his sleeping husband. He smiled, he felt so much warmth and happiness when he looked him. His life was perfect ever since Wally had entered it and he couldn't ask for anyone else but his wonderfully weird husband. Howdy sighed contently and kept holding Wally close to him. He could smell the faint sent of vanilla on him, which was odd but Howdy didn't question it. He thought it was cute that his little sweetheart smelt like a tiny little dessert. Howdy chuckled quietly to himself at that thought.

" love....wake up.." Howdy said softly, trying to wake Wally up.
Wally yawned loudly and stretched before looking up at Howdy with a goofy smile (like this :3).
Howdy laughed a little. "Good morning to you too my dear...did you sleep well?" Howdy asked softly, Wally nodded.
"I'm going out to the creek with Barnaby today, wanna come?" Wally asked, still sounding sleepy.
Howdy smiled. "Sure, I'd love to! But uh...Wally...I wanted to talk to you about something." Howdy said shyly.
"Oh? What is it?" Wally asked curiously.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock that interrupted Howdy.
"Oh, that's probably Barnaby. We should get ready." Wally said with a smile and Howdy nodded. Howdy figured he'd ask Wally about the thing later.

Wally and Howdy soon got ready and went off with Barnaby to the creek. Barnaby was trying to splash Wally with some water at the creek which made Wally yelp each time and Barnaby found that hilarious. Howdy watched them while sitting under a tree with a smile on his face. Barnaby kept playing and splashing in the water while Wally was collecting pretty rocks and shiny

things he liked. After some time, Wally went up to Howdy with the same goofy smile.
"Hi dearest, what do you need?" Howdy asked Wally with a small smile on his face.
Wally handed him a green and yellow rock which was shiny. "This made me think of you." Wally says calmly with a smile.
Howdy was trying his hardest to not sob from joy right then and there, he found this little gesture of Wally's so adorable and loved it every time he did this.
"Awww, thank you my love.." Howdy said with a grateful smile.
Wally simply kept smiling and nodded. He turned to walk away when Howdy suddenly stopped him.
"Wally...I um..I needed to ask you something." Howdy said timidly.
Wally's interest had peaked. "Oh? What about?" Wally asked curiously, still smiling and looking at Howdy.

Howdy was about to speak, when Barnaby jumped into the water..causing Wally's hair to get kinda wet and become undone.
"BARNABY!" Wally yelled while turning around to look at Barnaby who was laughing hysterically. Wally got into the water with Barnaby and they had a splash fight. Howdy watched them from under the tree and laughed at how silly they were being.
He felt kinda frustrated since he still wasn't able to ask Wally what he wanted to ask, but it was fine. Howdy kept watching Wally and Barnaby mess around in the water until they both finally gave up and got out of the water. They were both soaking wet, but Barnaby was far more drenched.

Barnaby went out into the forest the creek was in to explore a little bit. Howdy decided this would be the perfect time to ask Wally what he needed to ask him.
"Hey...Sweetheart? Can I ask you that question now?" He asked with a small nervous smile.
Wally looked over at him and smiled back before nodding. "Sure honey, what is it?"
Howdy felt his nerves increasing as he started to sweat a little. He took a deep breath before continuing.
"Well...I...I love you a lot. So much. And...I was wondering that..if you wanted to, could we...maybe adopt a child together? I would love to start a family with you my love." Howdy asked, he felt so nervous now that he had actually asked.
Wally's eyes lit up and he smiled. "Yeah! I'd love to adopt a kid with you honey." Wally said sounding ecstatic.
Howdy kissed Wally's cheek and they both spent the rest of the day together at the creek.

(Hope you enjoyed, sorry if it was a little short.)

Unlikely  -DISCONTINUED Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora