Diner Double Date! Pt 2

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(Motivation go burr)
(Also Wally unalives someone in this so be warned.)

Wally's POV:
The deeper I ran into the forest the closer the screams got. I was running as if my life depended on finding the source of the sound. In my head there was a part of me that was yelling at myself. 'This is so dangerous!', 'what's the point?', 'you left with no explanation! That's very rude'. I couldn't care less about the voice in my head. I needed to find out what on earth was screaming.

Finally I found the source of the noise. There was a girl (?) tied to a tree. Her skin was a light blue and she had curly ginger hair that came down to her shoulders. She had bruises and cuts all over her. Her clothes were covered with mud and dirt and she had eye bags under her eyes. I cautiously walked over to her. Her eyes widened when she say me. I could see her green eyes more clearly. She started violently shaking when I was face to face with her. "Y-yo-you aren't s-safe..l-leave p-pl-please." She whispered frantically to me. "What do you mean?" I whispered back, but before she could answer me I was hit in the back of the head with something and fell down on the floor, unconscious.

Suddenly I woke up again. I was in a dimly lit room with the same girl from before. We were tied to something, I'm not sure what. I looked over at her and saw that she was staring at me. "uh..hi." I said in a low voice. "H-hey." She replied. "What's your name?" I asked her with a smile to try and lighten the mood. "Flora. You?" She asked. "Wally.". She giggled "What an odd name..Wally." I smiled at her. "So um..why are you here?" I asked. She explained to me how two years ago her mum's ex boyfriend kidnapped her and hurt her everyday because he blamed her for her mum dumping him. "God that's awful..I'm so sorry." I said. I felt a lump in my throat as I tried to find the words for my next sentence. "Why would he kidnap me though?" I asked trying not to be rude. Flora shrugged. "Maybe because he didn't want you freeing me." She replied. 'Makes sense' I thought to myself.

"So how old are you, if you don't mind me asking of course." I asked. "16..I think. What about you?" She asked back. "23" I replied. (quick A/N idk his canon age but clown said they're all adults so we'll just go with that. Also no flora isn't a self insert thing. I just randomly made her up for the story.) "I was on a double date with my boyfriend and my friends Julie and sally." I said. Flora sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "At least you have people looking for you." She said bluntly. She clearly didn't know who she just met.

Howdy's POV:
Me Julie and sally sat in the woods together. We were thinking of a plan on how to find Wally and if it didn't work we'd go home. As Julie and sally talked I felt tears swell in my eyes. It felt like my throat had a massive lump in it that I couldn't push away. I tightened my hands into fists and I started sobbing. What if he got hurt? What if he wasn't okay? What if he did hate me? What if he ran away and I'd never see him again? A million thoughts ran through my head as I sat there crying pathetically. I should have gone with him. I should have been there. But I wasn't. I yelled at myself for not being able to protect him from whatever happened.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked down. Julie looked at me with a sympathetic smile. "Don't worry Howdy. We'll find him, I promise that we won't give up till we do." She said while sally nodded in agreement. I smiled back at her at quickly looked the other way. How could she be so sure? For all we know he could have been severely injured by now. I wiped my eyes and held back tears as we kept talking about what to do.

We were walking deeper into the woods when we found an odd clearing with one tree in the middle, ropes around that tree and small blood stains around it. "Maybe wally was here!" Sally said. "I definitely think he was..look footprints!" Julie pointed to a trail of foot prints on the ground. We followed them hoping that they'd lead us somewhere.

Wally's POV:
I talked to Flora since there wasn't anything else to do. I found out that her full name was Flora Finny, she hates country music and she's from down south. Suddenly a tall man came in. He had scruffy black hair and red skin. His voice was raspy and rough, at least that's what Flora said. "What do you want now prick." She asked, glaring at him. "Just thought I'd tell you and your little friend TO PIPE DOWN." He yelled. I glared at him. I was gonna regret this. I blinked and when I opened them, yep just as planed he was dead. Flora looked at the body and then at me. "DUDE- WARN ME NEXT TIME YOU DO SOMETHING THAT HORRIFIC HOLY CHRIST!"

Suddenly we heard more voices that were getting closer. I quickly broke free from the ropes and helped flora after. We climbed out an unlocked window. We heard one of the mens voices yell 'Get them!' as we jumped through. Me and Flora ran through the forest until we saw Julie, sally and Howdy. Howdy picked me up and held me tightly. "I thought you died, what happened, are you okay, who is that?" He asked while sobbing. "There's no time to explain, let's just get back to the diner!" I yelled and he quickly put me down. We all started running to the diner as we heard the men getting closer.

Once we got back to the diner, we phoned the police and had the men arrested. Me, Flora and the others sat at the booth as we explained what happened..leaving out the head bitting off part out. The owner of the diner, who's name was Debbie, came to our booth. "I'm so sorry for what happ-" just before she could finish her sentence she locked eyes with Flora. "Momma?.." "Flora?.." "MOMMA!" Flora yelled as she threw herself into her mum's arms. They hugged and laughed. Debbie looked at me "thank you for bringing my sweet angel back to me." She said with a huge smile on her face. "You're welcome Miss..oh gosh look at the time! We should go home." I said. The others agreed with me and we made our way back to the neighbourhood.

We said our goodbyes to Julie and sally and when I walked back home Howdy followed me. "Dear, why are you coming with me?" I asked. "I just want to make sure you get back safely is all." He said softly. "Honey nothing is going to happen to me. I'll be okay." I said smiling. "How do you know that? How do you know that when you were KIDNAPPED and I-I-I WHY WOULD YOU JUST RUN OFF LIKE THAT? DID YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT HOW WORRIED I'D BE?" He yelled at me. My smile turned to a frown but hey I couldn't be mad at him. He had every right to feel this way. "Howdy I'm sorry..I wasn't thinking. That screaming just drove me crazy I..I'm sorry for running off. That's the last time it'll ever happened I swear." I said as I fidgeted with my hands. He sighed before picking me up and hugging me. "Can I stay for the night?" He asked softly again. I nodded. When we got back we built a pillow fort and watched Disney movies.

(Okay, so sorry if this isn't what y'all wanted. Things were just to calm. But in the next chapter I swear it'll all be fluff and stuff. Comment any ideas if you want. If not or until I think of something then that's the end!)

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