Party pop off!

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(I've got plans for this one. By plans I mean I'm winging it)
(PLENTY OF WORDS IN THIS ONE GUYS I SWEAR+a little sadness? Angst? Idfk)

No one's POV:
Wally and Barnaby were getting things set up for the party. A disco ball, plenty of snacks and what kind of party would it be if Barnaby didn't leave out alcohol on the snack table? "Hey Wally check it out!" Barnaby called out to Wally while holding a vodka bottle. Wally rolled his eyes at his friend. "Barnaby why do you have that? You know that most of the neighbourhood doesn't drink." Wally said crossing his arms. "Come on Wally, we both know you're extra extroverted when you're pissed." Barnaby said snickering. "Pissed?.." Wally asked. "Drunk." Barnaby replied grinning. "Oh..not wrong." Wally smiled as he turned back to the snack table to set up the chocolate fountain. "You'll be needing lots of it if you plan to talk to Howdy." Barnaby added. "Alright smart@ss good joke, now get back to work." Wally replied giggling to himself
By the time Barnaby and Wally finished setting up it was already starting to get dark, which meant that everyone should be arriving soon. Wally and Barnaby wore some snazzy outfits since it is still a party after all.

The first ones to arrive were Julie and sally, they were wearing matching dresses but Julie's was pink and sally's was blue. "Hey guys!" Sally smiled as she entered  with Julie. "Hi girls! Might I say you two look stunning." Wally complimented. Julie giggled at Wally's statement. "Oh hush you little charmer." Julie replied. Barnaby nudged Wally. "I thought you liked Howdy." He whispered. "I do like him! I really, really like him! I was just being friendly thats all." Wally whispered back. Barnaby nodded  and made his way to go play some music while Julie, Sally and Wally chatted by the snack table. Suddenly, Frank and Eddie burst through the door. Barnaby waved them over to him so they could talk. Poppy then came waltzing behind Frank and Eddie with some snacks. "Hey poppy thanks for bringing some snacks though you really didn't have to!" Barnaby called out to her. "Oh I wanted to be nice, plus everyone likes my cooking." Poppy answered. "She's not wrong." Eddie said stuffing one of poppy's biscuits in his mouth.

The party was buzzing. Eddie, Frank and sally were dancing while Barnaby, Wally and Julie were having shots of vodka. Poppy made sure to keep an eye on the ones drinking so that they didn't do anything stupid. Finally, Howdy arrived. He was a little late but he didn't miss out on anything important. Meanwhile Wally was pissed he had a bit to much of whatever he was drinking and could not for the life of him think straight. "Heeyy Howdy! Get- get over here!" Wally yelled to Howdy while waving him over to where himself, Barnaby and Julie were sitting. Howdy made his way over to them and sat down. "Care for a drink?" Barnaby offered. "No thanks." Howdy politely declined.

"Hey, we should play truth or dare!" Julie suggested. "Eh why not? It's not like we have anything better to do." Wally agreed completely forgetting why they were throwing this party in the first place. "Okaaayyy..Barnaby! Truth or dare?" Julie asked. "Dare obviously." Barnaby replied completely full of himself. "I dare you to chug this bottle of beer!" Julie said holding out a beer bottle to him. "Bet." He said before chugging the beer in one swift gulp. Sally walked over to them. "Hey can I play with you guys?". "Of course!"  They replied. "Okay..Howdy! Truth or dare?" Barnaby asked. "Hmm..dare!". "I dare you to sit next to Wally till the game ends." He smirked. Howdy got up and sat on the left of Wally. Howdy tried to calm himself. "Maybe Wally doesn't even remember what happened..if so then there would be no point in trying to talk to him." he thought.

"Hey uh..Wally can we talk privately?" Julie asked. "Sure." Wally responded STILL completely forgetting why he was there in the first place. Julie and Wally went to the kitchen. Suddenly, Julie pulled Wally closer to her and kissed him. "Wally I-I've liked you for ages now and I was wondering if you liked me to?" She asked shyly. Wally tried to process whatever the fvck just happened but because his drunk brain is stupid he didn't understand what just happened. "I'm sorry're an amazing friend but I actually like Howdy.." Wally said. "OH! Oh god I am so sorry!" Julie quickly apologised. "It's okay. Let's just get back to the others now." Wally said brushing off the situation.

Howdy's POV:
"What's taking them so long?" Sally asked. "I'm not sure..maybe I should go check on them." I offered. "Yea you go do that, we'll wait here." Barnaby said. I nodded as I walked towards the kitchen. I could hear them wouldn't hurt to just have a little listen right? I peeked into the kitchen through a small opening in the door. My heart sank. I saw Julie and Wally kissing. Tears swelled in my eyes. I quickly got away from the door and walked back to the main area of the house. "Are you okay dude?.." Barnaby asked concerned. "Yea..yea I-I'm alright. I just need some fresh air." I replied in a shaky voice as I made my way outside.

I sat under a tree not to far from Barnaby's house. I sobbed. How could I have been so foolish? Of course he likes Julie. Of course he doesn't like men. Why did I ever trick myself into thinking I had a chance? I cried. I didn't even consider going back to the party. I just sat under the tree and let all my feelings out.

Wally's POV:
When me and Julie got back to the table, Barnaby and Sally looked concerned. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Well, Howdy went to check on you and Julie and when he got back he looked upset by you guys know what it could have been?" Sally asked. Oh god. Oh no he didn't..did he? My eyes widened as reality slapped me in the face. "What's wrong?" Barnaby asked us. "I-I kissed Wally..Howdy must have saw and thought that he liked me.." Julie responded. Barnaby and Sally gasped. I assumed Barnaby told her about my crush on Howdy and how he thought howdy liked me back. "Where is he." I asked Barnaby. Barnaby pointed towards the door and I ran outside.

Nothing else in mattered right now. What did matter was finding Howdy. Damn it! Why did Julie do that? Why didn't I pull away? What is wrong with me? I thought to myself. Suddenly, I heard what sounded like sobs. I followed the noise hoping it'd lead me to Howdy.

Howdy's POV:
As I continued sobbing when suddenly I heard..footsteps? I looked up and saw Wally standing beside me. "Howdy..are you alright?" He asked softly while sitting down next to me. "I-I'm fine, Wally." I tried to sound calm but my voice kept breaking. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "I..I saw y-you and Julie kissing b-but I..I love you Wally. I-I'm so sorry that I ever thought you could-" just then, he pulled me closer and kissed me. Oh my god. It felt like pure magic, he tasted like apples and..yep vodka..but I didn't care. The love of my life was kissing me. And for all I know it might not happen again. He pulled away and we just looked at each other. His eyes were gorgeous and his face was so soft and full of emotion.

"You don't actually think I like Julie, do you?" He asked me, still keeping his voice soft and somewhat quiet. I didn't know how to answer. "W-well two were kissing and-" he cut me off yet again. "Howdy I have never ever loved Julie as more then a friend. We were only kissing because she pulled me towards her first. I swear I don't like her." He said. "I love you. I've loved you for ages but I didn't know how to tell you..that day when we had our picnic I ran because I didn't know how to tell you..but I do now. And I'm sorry if it's weird I've just-" this time I cut him off. I kissed him again, but this one was longer. I put one set of my arms on his shoulders and the other set around his waist. I didn't want this moment to end. I wanted it to last for the rest of our lives but it unfortunately didn't.

"So..does this mean that we're dating?" I asked him as I held his hand. His face was flushed pink and I could feel mine getting hotter. "If you want to..then yes." He replied smiling. My smile widened as I picked him up and spun around with him in my arms. "Babe! Put me down!" He giggled as we spun. "Okay, Okay!" I finally put him down. "We should get back to the party, I don't want to worry the others." He said as he grabbed my hand and held it. I nodded as we walked back to Barnaby's house.

Wally's POV:
We finally made it back to Barnaby's house. Everyone was sitting on the sofa's and asked us questions. "Are you guys alright?", "what happened?". "Are you two finally together?" Barnaby smirked. "Actually, we are." I smirked back at him as he took that stupid look off his face. Julie, sally and Eddie were fangirling/squealing after I had said that. Me and Howdy joined everyone else on the sofas. We all picked a movie we wanted to watch -the corpse bride- and we enjoyed the rest of our night.

(OMG IM FINALLY DONE. if you guys want more chapters where Wally and Howdy go on dates or something then let me know! And if not, then that's the end of the story!)

Unlikely  -DISCONTINUED Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt