Home Sick Pt. 1

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(So in the comments of the last chapter I hinted at a possible major character death, however I haven't decided if that will happen in this chapter or not because I honestly don't really have a plan for this chapter. You wanted fluff? To bad you're getting angst this chapter. And probably the next one to maybe, possibly.)

No one's POV:
Howdy and Wally had gotten married three months ago. God it felt like just yesterday when the neighbourhood went back to Barnaby's house and fell asleep there. It was night time, Howdy was sound asleep like usual. But Wally laid next to him wide awake. He had a pit in his stomach. His mind was darting from thought to thought and his heart raced. He didn't know why he felt so anxious, he just did. He chalked it up to having to much energy left from the day prior. He and Barnaby had gone to a concert and consumed a lot of caffeine..Wally and caffeine don't mix well.

Wally looked at the clock on the wall. 02:10 am. Well that's odd. It was the first time Wally had ever stayed up that late. Even after having caffeine he usually managed to fall asleep at a reasonable time. Something was wrong. Very wrong. And he knew he wouldn't be able to fall asleep until he figured out what was wrong. Wally quietly got out of bed and made his way downstairs. He peered out the window and saw home. But home looked..different. Something was more unsettling then before. Almost like it had become more human..or as close to human as you can get here. He felt drawn to it. Not home but what was behind home. Maybe if he helped home everything would be okay.

He sat down and contemplated if he should go or not. Home is continuous and if it were Barnaby, Julie or any of the other neighbours then he'd help them even if it was very late. He then made the decision to go help home. He snuck back upstairs to get some proper clothes on, he threw on a jacket and left to go help home.

Howdy's POV:
I slowly opened my eyes and turned around to face Wally. "Morning sweet-" my eyes adjusted to the light when I saw Wally wasn't there. I shrugged it off. He's probably downstairs or out in the neighbourhood. I rolled out of bed and got dressed. Suddenly I heard a loud knock on the door. I quickly rushed downstairs. I opened it and it was Barnaby, looking concerned.

"Hey Barnaby! What's up?" I asked. "Have you seen Wally? I've been trying to call him and I asked around the neighbourhood and no one has seen him. Is he still asleep?" He asked worriedly. My smile quickly faded and I started to slightly panic. "No he isn't here..I assumed he was with you or someone else." I said trying to sound less concerned then I actually was. "That's not even the weirdest part though." He continued. "Home has been unresponsive and just kinda..dead like since this morning." Barnaby said while quickly glancing back at home. My heart started to beat faster. What did that damn house do to my husband? "I was going to look for him, you care to join?" He asked me. "Of course I!- I mean..yes. Let me get my jacket." I said as I reached over for my jacket.

We set off to the woods since Barnaby had already checked the entire neighbourhood. "Maybe he drove somewhere?" I suggested trying to make myself feel better. Barnaby laughed, "That little guy driving? I don't think so." Barnaby said as we approached the forest. I felt a shiver down my spine as we went into the woods. Something was definitely wrong, so hopefully Wally would be here unharmed of course. We walked around the woods calling out him name.

We sat down on a fallen tree after an hour of looking. "Damn it..where could he be?" I said trying not to break down. Barnaby  thought for a bit, then his eyes widened and his small smile became a frown. I looked up at him concerned. "What's that look meant to mean?" I asked trying not to raise my voice. "There is one place he could be. But he promised me he'd never go back.." Barnaby said looking at the ground. "If he could be there then we need to go look!" I insisted. "Absolutely not! That place is to dangerous. Thats why he left in the first place." Barnaby said seriously. Gosh it was weird to see the local 'comedian' be so serious. "Maybe he'll come back." Barnaby said trying to smile at me.

"You know what Wally is like. He'd never leave in the first place without a reason." He continued. "Barnaby! For all we know he could have been gone for hours! And if he was then he'd be back! HE WOULDNT HAVE LEFT WITHOUT ANY NOTICE! HE WOULD HAVE AT LEAST LEFT ME A NOTE OR SOMETHING." I yelled, starting to get mad. Barnaby sighed and put a paw on my shoulder. "Yeah..you're right. This is much more then him just going out..We'll find him Howdy. I promise." He said reassuringly. "Let's go to home and investigate. It definitely has something to do with his disappearance." He said once we stood up. I nodded and we went back to the neighbourhood.

We stood in front of home and knocked on the door. However, home didn't respond. Not even it's eyes opened. I kicked the door down and we made our way inside. When we walked in you could immediately smell something that smelt like..ashes? "Let's check the basement." Barnaby said. "Why though? Why would the smell be coming from there?" I asked him. "I just..just a feeling." He said looking down at floor as we made our way down to the basement. When we got there Barnaby looked up at the wall and gasped. I looked at the wall to but I was confused. It was a weird symbol drawn in red chalk. Candles that had been put out laid on the floor. Next to one of the candles was a book with what I assume was writing on it.

I looked around the room and spotted a bulletin board on the wall with a note on it. I ran towards it to see what it said  and Barnaby followed. The note said:
"To my friends and beloved, if you find this note please don't worry about me. Barnaby if you see this then don't worry. I'm not going back to my old ways I swear. I just have some unfinished business to attend to. I promise I'll come right back when I'm done.
On the rest of the bulletin board were pictures and post it notes with the same cryptic writing on it as the book. It was all connected by a red string. I looked at Barnaby. "What does this all mean?" I asked trying not to yell at him again. He sighed. "Let's get out of here and then I'll explain everything." He said with a worried and upset look on his face.

(Yippee! Lore!)

Unlikely  -DISCONTINUED Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt