Fun fair

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(They go on a little carnival date because why not? Also if you want I made a welcome home oneshot book! Feel free to go over there and request stuff. Back to the chapter!)

No one's POV:
Howdy was very excited. Howdy absolutely loved carnivals and everything they had to offer. He had invited Wally on a date to a carnival that wasn't to far away. Wally wasn't so keen at first. Sure, he likes the rides and the fun little games but he hated how crowded those places were and how almost all the music they played there was bad. But Wally could manage being around lots of people as long as howdy was there and as long as none of them tried to talk to him. I mean why would they right? Everyone is just doing their own thing.

Howdy's POV:
I got all nice or well as nice as you need to be for a carnival and made my way over to Wally's home. I knocked on the door aggressively and waited outside. He opened the door and of course looked as handsome as always..but something was off. "YOU LEFT YOUR HAIR DOWN?" I yelled in complete shock. "Well yeah, since we're going on rides and stuff I'd rather just leave my hair down." He said casually. "It's so wavy! I like you with your hair down." I smiled as I took his hand and held it.

We started walking towards the carnival as we talked about our favourite rides. I talked about my love for roller coasters and he talked about his favourite rides like the swinging pirate ship, the swings that went up in the air and the big scary arm looking thing that spun the whole way round. We talked about our favourite kinds of music to. I told him about my favourite band lovejoy and he told me about Lana del Rey. (A/N Howdy would totally listen to lovejoy songs, if you disagree then fight me.) We finally got to the carnival and decided to play some games before going on rides. We played the hook the duck game, the ring toss and all that other stuff.

We stood in a little area so I could quickly check to make sure I didn't forget something important. He looked up at me. I looked down at him. "Yes darling?" I asked. " love me a lot right?" He asked "more then anything yes." I replied immediately. "Then will you go on that ride with me?" He asked as he pointed towards a ride. I looked in the direction he was pointing in and I felt a pit in my stomach. He was pointing towards the big scary arm looking ride that spun all the way around.

(Here's what I'm talking about):

"Dear, please don't make me go on that

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"Dear, please don't make me go on that." I said looking at him worried and scared. "Alright I won't force you. I'll go by myself then. I'll be back soon." He said before walking towards the ride. "Wally wait!" I yelled to him as I ran after him. I sighed and quickly secured the special thing I had with me in one of my pockets. I was now waiting in line for this ride that I absolutely despised. But if Wally was happy then it was worth it. I guess he could tell how nervous I was because he reached for one of my hands and held it till we got on the ride.

As we were secured safely on the ride I was just a nervous wreck. My boyfriend however was all smiles like he normally is. Then the ride started. I was screaming my head off and when I turned to Wally he was smiling and laughing. "How is he so calm?" I thought to myself before going right back to being totally terrified. After what felt like an eternity, the ride finally ended. I sighed in relief. I could finally get off this thing. Once we were off I decided to take him on one of my favourite rides.

Wally's POV:
"Since I dragged you onto that ride, you can drag me onto a ride." I said as me and howdy walked around the carnival. "How about that roller coaster?" He asked as he pointed to an old mine train themed roller coaster. I nodded in agreement and we made our way over to it. Once we were actually secured on the ride I looked at howdy and saw how big of a smile was plastered on his face. He must really like this ride. We were sitting in the every front and I wasn't to concerned since rides of any kind don't scare me all that much. During the ride I almost fell asleep because of how boring it was. But Howdy liked it so I didn't complain.

"Oh my gosh that was awesome!" He said happily when we got off. "It was alright." I replied while looking around. "You okay darling?" He asked. "Yes yes. Everything is fine I'm just thinking." I said quickly. He nodded and we continued to go on rides. By the end of the day I was extremely tired. I didn't feel like doing anything. But Howdy had convinced me to go to a cafe that worked late.

We sat at the table with our drinks and snacks and he looked nervous. He kept glancing at me and then his eyes darted around the cafe. "Howdy, is something wrong?" I asked concerned. "I- I um just wanted to ask you something.." He said quietly. "Oh? What is it?" I asked him. "W-well this isn't exactly the best setting..but uh.." He stumbled on his words. "Hun, whatever it is you can say it." I tell him with a soft smile. "I..I'll ask you another time..when the setting is more um..appropriate." He said as he quickly looked down at the biscuit he bought himself. I nodded and finished the rest of my drink.

We walked back to the neighbourhood hand in hand as we talked about the day we had. We said goodnight to each other and made our way back to our houses. I wonder what he wanted to ask me..I'm sure he will soon.

(Do y'all pick up what I'm hinting at or should I explain? Also thanks for reading!)

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