Face Paint!

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(Thanks 3Y3L355S0CK375 for the idea! Writers block sucks -~- but I swear I'll think of something soon! Hope you enjoy this chapter everyone and don't worry it's all fluff.)

No one's POV:
It was another sunny day like it usually was in the neighbourhood and Wally sat in bed. Thinking. He felt bad for all the times he ran away when he and Howdy were hanging out. It was an awful nervous habit he couldn't seem to fix. He thought about the word 'habit' and how it was always associated with something bad even though there were good habits. Like helping people, gift giving, doing your favourite hobby. 'That's it!' Wally thought. 'What if we paint together? No stress just fun painting.' He smiled to himself and rolled off his bed. He quickly made himself presentable and got out all the painting supplies. Now the only thing left to do was call Howdy.

Howdy's POV:
Since today was a Sunday I didn't need to worry about people coming over. It was a nice break after the disaster yesterday was. I looked down at some boxes and saw apples, pears and other fruits scattered around the floor. Speaking of disasters I should probably clean up that one. I kneeled down and picked up an apple. Suddenly the only thing I could think about was Wally. His obsession with apples, his love for painting and his love for me. Sure he had difficulties expressing it sometimes but I knew he loved me. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring. "Who would dare to interrupt my pleasant thoughts." I thought to myself as I made my way to the phone and answered it.

"Hello, howdy speaking." I said as I impatiently waited for a reply. "Hi honey!" I heard Wally say. "Oh darling! Why are you calling me?" I asked as a smile crept up my face. "Well I was wondering if you wanted to come over and paint with me! You don't have to though-" he commented after. "No, no I'd love to!" I said quickly. "When should I come over?" I asked. "Whenever you'd like." He said softly. "Alright I'll be there in a few minutes!" I said with a smile plastered on my face. "Okay see you then honey! I love you!" He replied before hanging up.

Wally's POV:
I decided to talk to home until Howdy got here since Barnaby was busy and I didn't want to interrupt whatever Julie and sally were doing. "Home..why are you so mean to me?" I asked. Home creaked loudly in protest. "Yes you are! You very rudely woke me up last night when you knew how odd of a day I had, you randomly start shaking during my hair routine, and-" I continued to list things home does as home creaked and thudded and bumped in disapproval and denial. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Okay home shush! I have a guest." I said as I got up and walked to the door to open it.

"Hey darling!" Howdy said with a bright goofy smile. Gosh I love seeing him happy, it makes me happy. "Hello love! Come in before you get cold." I said urging him inside "but it's super warm today." He said "Yes but I know how you are with temperatures and such, now get it!" I said playfully nudging him. He came inside and I set up the art stuff so that it looked nicer. "Sooo what are we gonna paint?" He asked. "Anything you want." I smiled as I got two cups of water for the brushes.
Everything was nicely set up so I started painting. I decided to paint Howdy since there wasn't anything else in home that I thought was worth painting. Howdy sat in front of his canvas and just stared at it. "You know you have to use your hands to paint." I said smirking. He rolled his eyes playfully. "I know..I just don't know what to paint." He said while looking at the wide range of colours. Uh oh. Another bad idea.

I grabbed some yellow paint and dipped my hand in it. "You're already yellow! why are you-" before Howdy could finish his sentence I put my hand on his face leaving a yellow hand print. I started laughing, but not my usual monotone sarcastic laugh. This one was genuine because seeing the genuine look of shock on his face made me giggle. "Oh so that's how you wanna play!" He said grinning. He dipped his hand in green paint and put his hand on my face. Before I knew it I had started a paint war. We were careful to not ruin any furniture but we threw and splashed each other with as much paint as we could. We both fell to the floor while laughing. He's so silly! I'm glad that I get to be silly with him.

(Thanks for reading. Next chapter: carnival/fair date! Also should I make a welcome home oneshot book? I think it'd be cool!)

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