Chapter 5: Class Again...? Boring....

Start from the beginning

Many sleepy students left the class, clearly having slept deeply to avoid hearing the boring story.

Skel: So, about the plan... We'll ask girls out to lunch with us in town and make them fall in love with us!

Po: We can even use these chocolates we have as gifts if they accept!

Skel: No girl can resist receiving chocolate from a bunch of cool-looking guys.

Skel said this as his face took on an anime-like expression, and Po mirrored him, standing beside Skel and gazing off into the distance...

Whitely: Why are you both staring at the wall?

Time passed, and Skel and Po ended up with comically bleeding heads as everyone looked on in horror while Whitely dragged them away.

Whitely Narration: I should explain how we got here...

Moments after their conversation, they entered the cafeteria, where Skel and Po ogled at the NPC women, sporting handsome guy anime faces, which looked rather peculiar.

Skel: My target is right over there! She always eats alone, so I'm sure wooing her will be easy.

Skel focused his gaze on a girl who was eating with great manners, wearing the Atlas student uniform.

Po: And I will go for that girl! I've already researched everything there is to know!

Po looked at a Faunus girl with the Vacuo student uniform, engaged in a conversation with another Faunus girl wearing the same uniform.

Po: Her social circles, room numbers, favorite food, body measurements, the color of her panties...

Skel: Oh, nice going!

Skel cheered Po on and complimented his unusual knowledge.

Skel: What about you, Whitely?

Whitely made a soft "Ugh" sound, feeling weirded out not by the situation itself, but by Po's knowledge. After all, he had only been here for a day. What kind of experiments had he conducted? However, that didn't matter now; Whitely had to commit to the act.

Whitely: Eh, I'll just give it to some random person.

He looked at the box of chocolates in his hand.

Skel and Po, with anime-like expressions, started running through the cafeteria.

Skel: Well, there's no time to waste! Charge!

Po: The next time we meet, we'll all have girlfriends!

Moments later...

Atlas Girl: KYAAAAH! It's him! The stalker!

Vacuo Faunus Girl: AAAAH! Creepy stalker!

Their boyfriends arrived and beat up Skel and Po until their blood painted the walls, leaving Cid to pray for their well-being.

Whitely Narration: The next time we meet, you'll be rotting corpses...

Whitely glanced at his box of chocolates, searching for someone to give it to

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Whitely glanced at his box of chocolates, searching for someone to give it to. As a girl walked past him with a tray of food, he placed the box on her tray, causing the girl to stop and look at him, her head tilted in confusion.

Whitely: Take it. I don't really feel like eating sweets right now.

He casually walked off, grabbing a bloody Skel and Po and dragging them out of the cafeteria, while everyone looked on in horror.

The girl looked at Whitely, then back at the chocolate, and finally gave him a grateful smile, clearly appreciative of the gift.

The girl looked at Whitely, then back at the chocolate, and finally gave him a grateful smile, clearly appreciative of the gift

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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