Chapter 2:​ 🇵​​🇺​​🇷​​🇸​​🇺​​🇮​​🇹​ ​🇴​​🇫​ ​🇹​​🇭​​🇪​ ​🇨​​🇷​​🇾​​🇸​​🇹​​🇦​​🇱​

Start from the beginning

Side Note: Celesta is an energy only found in celestial beings and antimatter particles, usually consumed and used for magic by the ones who can wield it.

"Huh, this was the library I was talking about, did you bring us to our time?" asked the sisters Oreveu and Epouchiom. "Yes, I knew you were from this place," replied Link, "and it seems like the stone is here too."

In the perspective of: Link

"Jeez father, where have you been?" asked Link, concerned about his father The Watcher as the watcher stumbles and falls on the floor weakened. "It wasn't like this before, I'm growing old..." "You're finally awake," says Link to his father, his father sits right up and dresses in formal attire with his Celesta. "I got engaged with that old fool 'Paradox' again... I just never learn, we do it again and again and again." "Does he know?, I mean, the current Jacob," asked Link. "It doesn't look like he does, and I want to keep it that way. If he were to know, it'd be a mess in the timeline as he tries to change his own fate to which I've set to give me assurance that everything goes well," "I see," says Link, concerned. "I want you to go to his timeline and make sure everything goes right... again," "Alright, shall I go?" as he prepares to leave, his father nodded in agreement. "Solemethus Procensia," he says as galactic-like razor-sharp nails appeared at his fingertips, he slashes on the wind, bending reality itself and making a scratch in the fabric, he walks in the rip. "When will father ever learn?..."

Back To Main Story

"The crystal's here? I mean like, here-here?" says Jacob, emphasizing his question with a point to the creaking wooden floor. The creaking wooden floor beneath Jacob's finger told a tale of its own, the library floor imbued with decades of forgotten knowledge and secrets.
As Link gazed at Jacob's gesture, a faint smile played on his lips. "Yes, Jacob, the stone is indeed 'here-here.' This is where your journey begins," Link replied with an air of mystery.
"Everyone, today we restore stability back!" Jacob proclaimed as he raised his hands in salute. "Very well then, I shall see you all there." said Link as he disintegrates into thin air. "Did that guy just-" started Jacob but was interrupted by Enzo. "Just shut it and let's go" as they walked down the rusting staircase of the Netherlight Library. The group followed Link as he led them through the dimly lit corridors of the library. Dusty books filled towering shelves, their pages holding secrets and knowledge of times long past. It was an eerie and enchanting atmosphere, the air thick with the whispers of forgotten stories. Ever so often, Link would stop and run his fingers along the spines of the ancient books, as if seeking guidance from the past. He seemed to have an innate connection with this place, as if the library itself recognized him. As they ventured deeper into the labyrinthine rooms, the group couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The stone they were searching for held great power and was said to possess the ability to restore balance and harmony to their world. Suddenly, the group halted as they reached a grand oak door. It was adorned with intricate carvings depicting mythical creatures and celestial beings. Link placed his hand on the door, his eyes filled with determination. "This is it," he whispered. "The chamber where the crystal awaits." With a gentle push, the door swung open, revealing a breathtaking sight. The chamber was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow, emanating from a pedestal in the center of the room. Resting on the pedestal was a shimmering crystal, emitting a subtle humming sound. "The crystal" gasped Oreveu, her voice filled with awe. "It's truly here." Enzo approached the pedestal cautiously, his hand outstretched. As soon as his fingers touched the crystal, a surge of energy coursed through his body. He could feel the power contained within the crystal, its warmth spreading through his veins. "We've found it," Enzo exclaimed, excitement flooding his voice. "But now, the real challenge begins. How do we harness its power?" Link stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with knowledge. "We must first understand the crystal, its purpose, and how it can be utilized. It won't be easy, but with time and dedication, we can uncover its true potential."
The group looked at each other, determination etched into their expressions. They had come this far, facing trials and uncertainties, but their belief in the stone's power remained unwavering. As Link's gaze was fixed on the dark crystal gleaming with power, something flashed, and in the blink of an eye, dark claws appeared on his ribcage and consumed the stone. "That's much better, isn't it?" says 'Link' who had turned into a dark figure with nightmarish features, a razor-sharp claw hovering in front of them. Then, as if on cue, Jacob recognized him. "This... This was the one from the classroom, the shadow, who was stalking me before..." Then the shadow started twitching violently, as if having a seizure, it then screamed a screech of many voices. "When will your father EVER LEARN!" the shadow bellowed as it claws its way towards the group who had turned into statues of fear. Fortunately, the shadow turns into an orb of light and vanishes, to which who was standing was Link, wearing a pissed expression with his hand stretched out holding his ice-gold sword.
"Fools! Where's the crystal now?" bellowed Link, facepalming anxiously.

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