EIGHT: A Triangle

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Hi Guys!!

It's been so long that I'd highly recommend you re-read the previous chapters to freshen up your memory.

And then, enjoy the new update! (It's a small one, but I'll soon get switch gears)




I send a heart-reaction to Veer's story and repost it on my story as well.

After our dinner tonight, he clicked a selfie which I knew would go up on his story soon and as soon as he dropped me home, it did!

The dinner was pleasant, we discussed a lot of things including his current project and mine. He didn't talk about Abhimanyu at all, which was a bit of a relief.

Suddenly, I see a notification on my phone and I immediately sit up straight. Abhimanyu has tagged me in a post!

I immediately click on it and my jaw drops. It's a picture from today's workshop where Abhimanyu and I are standing close, we're not touching in any way but we're looking so deep into each other's eyes that my toes actually curl as I stare at the picture for a few more seconds.

And then, I see the collab request along with the post. He wants me to be a collaborator on the post, oh my God!

My phone instantly rings and it's Taabish, of course.

"Accept the invite senoritaaaaa" he says as soon as I pick up the call.

"Taabish, you-" I shake my head.

"His 16 Million followers will soon come flooding onto your profile and your 7.3 million would soon become 10!"

I cannot see him but I know there are stars in eyes at the moment.

"Can't win against you" I say as I accept the request (I was of course going to do it anyway!)

"Sweet dreams, bub" he says as he laughs and cuts the call.

And now, all my plans of going to sleep have faded away because I can't stop refreshing my feed to see the likes and comments grow with every passing second.

I smile as I read the caption for the 100th time "The beginning of everything that's beautiful and blessed"

And then another thought crosses my mind and I scroll through his profile trying to find similar pictures with his other co-stars.

I realise that there are plenty but the one thing I notice is that those posts don't have such a caption, in fact they don't even look like he's written them himself.

But for some reason, I know that this caption was written by him.

As I lie down next to Berry, I open Twitter and of course, I find my name trending with Abhimanyu's and also Veer's.

I click on it and the top most tweet is a screenshot of our collaboration post with thousands of retweets on it.

And then, I find a screenshot of Veer's story and people in the comments fighting over this alleged love triangle.

For some strange reason, I feel like the timing of Abhimanyu's post was well thought of. Or maybe I'm thinking too much?

With my fingers tired of reloading and refreshing my Instagram feed, I decide to finally go to sleep.




I stare at the picture again and again and the strange feeling just keeps on growing.

It's just a selfie, I keep telling myself but who am I trying to convince? I know I'm getting paranoid, that too for no reason.

When I can't take it any longer, I call up my guy and tell him to send me the pictures of today's workshop.

Twenty minutes later, as I press the Publish icon, my heart is relieved. Childish? Maybe. Fulfilling? Definitely!

I smile at the caption that I had written and hope that the message I'm trying to deliver reaches the right people.

A few minutes later when Akshara accepts the collab request, my smile grows as wide as it possibly could.

With the same smile on my face, I fall into a deep sleep.



The team cheers as we finally wrap up for the day after grinding so hard. For the past three days, we had worked so hard on costume finalisation and dress rehearsals, multiple script reading sessions and photoshoots.

Akshara and I had not talked about my random photo posting three nights ago but there was no discomfort between us.

We had completed all preparations and now we were about to get a week off before we flew to New York for our first schedule.

We had also released the first official poster for our film and as expected, it went viral within a few hours.

"See you on Saturday, then" Akshara smiles and says and I nod.

Saturday as in not this saturday, not the saturday that is tomorrow, but the saturday after that, when we're scheduled to fly to New York.

"Rest well, we've got a blockbuster to shoot for" I grin and she gives me a bright smile.

And with that, I drive off, in the hope that this week flies off quickly. 

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