"Hello, Isabelle Gilmour. It's an honour to finally meet you," A feminine voice said from behind her.

Isabelle turned around and could see the silhouette of someone standing in the shadow of the dark just ahead of her.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Isabelle asked and backed away slowly.

"You don't have to be afraid, Isabelle. I'm a friend and I'm not here to hurt you. As a matter of fact, I just saved your life only a few seconds ago," She said again.

"What do you mean you saved my life?" Isabelle asked.

"If I hadn't gotten you out of that bathroom stall the moment that I did, you'd be dead right now. I saved you which means I'm your ally," she said.

"If you're truly an ally, then come out from the darkness. Show your face," Isabelle demanded.

"Very well," The voice replied and slowly stepped into the light.

When she appeared in the light and Isabelle could see her face, there was no reaction or recognition from her because she had never seen this woman before but if only she knew who she really was, then perhaps she would have had a more reactive response.

"Who are you?" Isabelle asked.

"My name is not important but as I said, I am your ally," she claimed.

"What are you? An angel or a demon?" Isabelle asked again.

"What I am is also not important. Just know that my duty is to keep you and Josh safe and protect the both of you from whatever or whoever may want to cause you harm."

"And what is it that you protected me from when you snatched me out of that bathroom?" Hannah asked with a raised brow.

"Someone that wanted to end your life, but don't worry, I'll take care of them," The strange woman replied again.

"Did Hannah and Garin send you? Did they ask you to protect us?"

The woman stayed silent and began to back away. Just as she got lost in the darkness once again, she gave Isabelle one final message.

"Go back to Josh. He must be getting worried that you aren't back yet. If fate should have it, we'll run into each other again."

Just like that, she blended into the darkness and disappeared into nothing. Isabelle was confused, scared and completely oblivious of what was going on. She left the back of the building and went back into the restaurant from the front.

As she approached her table, Josh saw her coming and wondered how she got outside because there was only one way in and out of the restaurant.

"Isabelle?" He asked to make sure it was really her as she reached their table.

"How did you get outside? What's going on?" He asked.

" I don't know, Josh. Something took me out of the restroom and I ended up outside the restaurant. She claimed that she was a friend and that she was saving my life," Isabelle said.

"She?" Josh asked.

"Well, she looked like a woman but she was definitely a Celestial, but I don't know if she was an angel or a demon," Isabelle answered.

"And she claimed she was saving you?" Josh asked again.

"Apparently, something tried to kill me in the restroom but she didn't tell me what or who it was. I think we should leave right now," Isabelle suggested.

"You're right! I'll pay the cheque and we can head home," Josh said and got up.

He walked up to Isabelle and placed his hands on her shoulders.

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