Ch. 15 A Bloody mess

Start from the beginning

"I would be happy to do so but I have a friend and we need to head back home," I said taking his hand and shaking it.

He nodded and in an instant, my surroundings shifted and I was standing on the front steps of Xavier's School we're X-23 leaning casually on my Duel Runner.

'Ok another thing I need to get us too,' I thought and walked over and explain what had happened to me as we left the school grounds.

It only takes a good half an hour to travel from Xavier's School back to my grandfather's mansion depending on the traffic and how lucky I am with stop lights.

On the way, X-23 explained what had happened while I had disappeared and how she had been shown school life with the New mutants.

When I asked her thoughts on them she mentally shrugged and said they were loud and chaotic but interesting to watch though she thinks they don't like her.

When I asked what made her think that she said many of them seemed disturbed or anxious around her.

As we continue to talk about our separate experiences we had given up the stone and gravel path to the mansion

I had just disconnected my duel disk and stepped off my bike when suddenly X-23 stood still looking at the mansion.

X-23: "(Somethings wrong,)" she said and I immediately activated my duel disk and looked around but I didn't see anything.

"(What's wrong I don't see anything?)" I thought back but I didn't let my guard down and set three traps as X-23 sniffed the air.

"(Smell.....multiple intruders inside the front door and windows are trapped unknown number of them possibly ten or twelve,)" she sent back and I nodded and summoned two Gilasaurus

The large raptors materialize and awaited my command I pointed towards the front door and the two raptors didn't hesitate as they charged at the door jumping into it and breaking it off its hinges right behind them were X-23 claws extended as soon as that happened all hell broke loss inside.


???: "WHAT THE-!?!?!"

???: "OH SHIIIII-!?!?!"

*Ratata* *Ratata* *Ratata* *Ratata*
*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*
*Ratata* *Ratata* *Ratata* *Ratata*
*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

As gunshots rang out and get screams of men were drowned out by the sounds of wild animals I decided to not go inside and wait for the noise to die down.

The screaming, roaring, and shooting quickly died down and as I was about to poke my head into the door suddenly one of my Gilasaurus was flung out of the house, and on top of it was X-23 both were covered in blood but the girl was drenched in it.

Gilasaurus suddenly disappeared with X-23's claws in its neck and chest but before I could even ask what was going on X-23 turned and charged at me her claws still dripping with fresh blood.

But before she could reach me my other Gilasaurus charged out of the broken doorway intercepting her and tackled her to the ground.

"(X-23 what's going on why-)" I tried to say through our connection but the overwhelming feeling of rage, fury, and wrath that I felt almost caused me to collapse.

I looked up to see the second Gilasaurus flop to the ground and disappear X-23 quickly got up and charged at me again.

"RED-EYES!!!" I screamed out just as her claws were about to reach me and like a battering ram the Iconic dragon burst forth from my shadow batting away X-23 like she was a fly.

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