Episode 2 Part 3: School before the Next Round

Start from the beginning

Shido then took a deep breath. "Yes." he said in the most deadpan and serious tone ever.

It finally seemed to Kotori that she had to accept Shido's mental decline into insanity. "Wait! Wait! Watch this, to give you proof that i'm not insane!" yelled Shido in protest and irritation.

Shido then summoned all angels in turn: Sandalphon, Zadkiel, Camael, Raphael, Gabriel, Haniel, Metatron, Rasiel, Michael and Zafkiel. He chose this method over using Yud because he didn't Kotori to start behaving differently out of alarm and alert Reine about it and Shido knew it would be over in an instant if Reine knew. He wasn't going to take a risk in the new timeline after all.

Kotori's jaw nearly went through the floor. "H-How-" she was shushed by Shido before she could say anything. "Shh... Please trust me, and don't tell the others about it okay? Promise?" asked Shido clearly stern. All Kotori could do was nod. "That's good to know..." mused Shido with a sigh.

"Alright. The next Spirit to appear is called Yoshino. She has the appearance of a small girl and the Angel that controls ice, Zadkiel. She also has a puppet with her, called Yoshinon." said Shido while explaining on what would happen next. "Huh-?" asked Kotori stunned. "What i'm trying to say is...please treat her gently okay? Thanks, Kotori!" Shido replied as he headed to his to room to sleep. "Hey, wait! We're not done he-" Kotori shouted uselessly as Shido was already in his room to sleep for tomorrow and after that...the next round.

-the next day, Raizen High-

"Hey Shido, please eat this!" offered Tohka holding a box of cookies to give to Shido. She had settled in nicely at Raizen, but boy oh boy her cooking skills didn't extend to actual cooking. The cookies all had rather dark colors and weird and strange edges in places that Shido didn't know existed. 'I better teach her how to cook sometime!' he thought in alarm and fright.

Tohka then picked up one of the cookies and held in out in the infamous pose. "Come on, say aaahhhh..." said the purple haired Spirit as Shido smiled nervously, full aware of the sharp and jealous gazes of the males in his class. "Ahhh...." said Shido sweating a bit.

Suddenly a whistling sound came from his right, a fast projectile was heading towards then. Shido quickly raised his hand and caught the projectile in question: a fork thrown by a peeved Origami, while eating the cookie. Shido then sneakily used Haniel to temporarily disable his taste buds to make sure he ate the cookie safely and swallowed the whole thing in one gulp. 'Whew. I'm definitely going to teach Tohka how to cook better.' he thought clearly uncomfortable.

Was this the misuse of the supernatural Sephira Crystal? Perhaps.

Would Mio flip out in indiginant anger if she ever saw this scene? Yep. But Shido didn't care nor he gave a shit. After all...he had more pressing problems to do...namely the DGP.

-lunch time-

"Hey! Is that who i think it is!?" yelled a student upon seeing someone. "Who is it?" asked another student. "It's Lord Ace! It's Lord Ace Ukiyo!" yelled the same student as Shido nearly choked on his drink. 'ACE!? What's he doing here in the school grounds!?' he thought in alarm and checked the window with other students and there he was: The Star of the Stars of the Stars himself, Ace Ukiyo in a fancy tuxedo with some ribbons around his neck outside Raizen High's school grounds.

Soon many students went outside to see the celebrity as Shido looked on in shocked. "Ummm...Shido? Why is Mr. Ace doing here?" asked Tohka very confused. "That i intend to find out. let's go." Shido replied clearly unsure as they both went out.

-school ground. outside.-

"So Lord Ace, what are you reasonings to come here at Raizen?" asked a teacher to Ace who smirked in response. "Well my reason is to improve the school while making a few donations as well. Plus this school is quite popular." Ace replied cockily as usual. "I see! Thank you so much for your response Lord Ace! The principal will be pleased!" said the teacher in joy. "You there, Shido Itsuka, mind taking me around the school to familiarize myself with the surroundings?" asked Ace pointing at Shido. "Yes sir!" said Shido with conviction. "And while you're at it, let's talk while we make the tour." added Ace with a chuckle. "You know him Shido?" asked Hiroto curiously. "I met him a few days with Kotori and Tohka and i met him yesterday too." Shido replied much to the envy of everybody. "Aw man!" "Why him!?" "Lucky bastard!" yelled many students as Shido scratched his head sheepishly as Ace smirked at the scene.

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