☆Eua x reader: (Read)☆

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Eua and Hanna are the same person but I made them two different people.

So I'm excluding Hanna cuz it wouldn't make sense.

Eua as your gf:

- Gamer girl.

- Loves your kisses.

- When cuddling she likes to hide in your shirt/hoodie.

- Steals your hoodies. (And perfume)

- Would make you cookies.

- Loves to cook for you.

- Back hugs, neck kisses.

- When your mad at her she'd be too scared to talk to you. She'd give you sorry notes and buy you chocolate to forgive her.

- Stares at you.

- Loves to annoy you.

- clingy when bored. (Most of the time)

- Gets really jealous.

- Loves when you play with her hair.

- FaceTime calls til you both fall asleep.

- Sleepovers.

- Gushes over you even tho your right in front of her.

- Falls asleep while on game.

- eats your food when your not hungry.

- food disposal.

Eua has red hair (not natural it's dyed)
She's a blasian albino, she's Thai+Black+albino. Her favorite color is yellow.
She has blue eyes.

Her name is a French name. (Her dad is French and her mom is Thai. And her english name according to her parents is Hanna.

She hates tomatoes. She only likes them on burgers. Her favorite game is Resident Evil. (4 especially)

She loves the Beetlejuice musical. Her favorite song is 'dead mom'. She could sing the whole song if she wanted to.

I will take requests for this one also.

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