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Laying there, Minnie almost slept til she heard a knock at the door.

She got up with all the energy she had left and went down stairs.

Opening the door, she was surprised but not that surprised to see Alex at the door with a bloody nose and bruises on her face and arms.

She was wearing a zipped up hoodie with the sleeves rolled up enough to see the bruises.

Looking down Minnie noticed the bottom of Alex's jacket had blood on it.

Minnie moved out the way so Alex can walk in.

"What happened to you?" The younger girl asked worried as she took her up stairs.

"Nothing." Alex said sternly, letting herself into the room.

"Sit down." Said Minnie.

Alex sat down and started staring into space not facing the girl in front of her.

Minnie cupped Alex's face into her hands to look at her bruises.

"Take your jacket off." Minnie said looking back down at the blood on the jacket.

Taking the jacket off, Minnie was able the see stab wounds through Alex's white tank top.

"You were stabbed!?" Minnie practically yelled. She worried for this girl, cared for her, something like this could through her own life away.

"I told you not to get into dangerous fights like this" Minnie said reaching for her first aid kit in her drawers.

Alex stayed silent.

Minnie got down on the ground and rolled up Alex's long shorts to see wounds on her knees.

She used an alcohol wipe to wipe the blood off Alex's knees, and stomach.

Hissing in pain, Alex took a hold of Minnie's hair.

Playing with or touching Minnie's hair had always been her comfort. It always made her feel at ease.

"Does it hurt too much?" The younger asked.

"Just stings." The oldest managed to breathe out. She'd always hold her breath when she's in pain.

"Are they still after you?" Minnie asked again.

Alex nodded slightly.

"You could stay with me then." Minnie replied.

As much as Alex wanted to. She couldn't.

It'll just get Minnie hurt as well.

Minnie used big bandaids for Alex's knees then wrapped it with bandage wrap around it.

She help the girl stand up so she could do the same for her waist that had stab wounds that were still bleeding.

"How long ago was this? You could've lost a lot of blood y'know." Minnie asked.

♥︎~Oneshots Book 1~♥︎Where stories live. Discover now