Chapter 4

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After wallowing in self-pity, Anne quickly wrapped up her shower. It was only about 1:00 so she planned to go visit Penny at the Hard Deck. She dried her hair and threw on some shorts and a sweatshirt. Then, as Free-Bird was getting her shoes, she heard Hangman's grating voice behind her.

"I can't be the only one that noticed we are dealing with two Capitan Mitchells. Not to mention the resemblance is uncanny," He said as he walked into Free-bird's view.

"Yea. He's my dad. So what?" She responded.

"So what? Well, I don't know if I want to fly this mission now."

"And why is that Hangman?"

"Well, last time a Mitchell flew a big mission we all know it didn't end well for his wingman. I mean 'running out of fuel,'" Hangman made air quotes. Rooster stood up from where he was reading on his bed. "Pretty lame excuse."

"My dad was cleared of any foul play, bagman."

"Is that how you see it?" Hangman turned to Rooster.

"You need to shut your mouth Seresin. You've done enough talking about my father," Rooster spat. He was directly behind Free-bird now.

"You know what, Free-bird, I would be pretty worked up too if my dad was Pete Mitchell. I mean, his flying has to represent his parenting."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"He hits his target fast then leaves," Anne lunged forward but Bradley grabbed her arms before she could do anything. Hangman backed up, a strained smile on his face, he was visibly freaked out, not expecting Free-Bird to lunge at him. Bradley dragged her out of the barracks and into a nearby conference room. Anne walked to the far side of the room and leaned on the large table that sat in the center.

"You know he spews bullshit. Don't take anything he says to heart." Bradley said as Anne took a deep breath. "His insult was shit too." Anne was silent for another moment before speaking.

"Bradley, it's the first day and I already want to leave. How the hell am I going to make it through a month of training?"

"Your Anne fucking Mitchell. That's how." Anne looked at Bradley and a small smile grew on her face.

"I really want to make this mission. But I will not be able to do it if I fly with Hangman." She walked back over to where Bradley was standing and sat down in one of the chairs; he did the same.

"I know, that's why I plan on flying this mission with you." The two smiled at each other.

"You know I had a thing with him when we were in Top Gun?" Bradley's jaw hit the floor.

"You and Jake?"


"No way. Like a relationship?" His volume lowered to a whisper.

Anne chuckled and responded, "God no, more like friends with benefits." Bradley took a moment to think.

"Wow. That explains a lot." Anne laughed at his comment.

"I know right!"

"Wow..." Bradley thought for a moment longer.

"I can't believe you didn't know that. Did I never tell you?"

"No!" The pair laughed again before settling into a comfortable silence.

"I was gonna go to the Hard Deck to visit to my mom, wanna tag along?" Anne said as the two got up and exited the room.

"I would love to but I think I'm gonna stay here. I have a few things I want to do before we really get into training."

"Alight, you know where to find me." Anne waved as she started to walk away.

Always Interrupted | Bradley BradshawTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon