Chapter 1

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Anne was the first person in the Hard Deck. She threw open the doors and breathed in the beer-scented air. She scanned the familiar setting and her eyes landed on her mom, Penny Benjamin. She was polishing the bar that Anne used to find herself sitting at to do homework or sneak a shot... or 6.

Anne strolled over to where Penny stood and sat opposite her, waiting for her mom to look up. She watched as her mom registered the jean shorts, then the aviator jacket, then the t-shirt with aviator glasses hanging from the collar. Penny's head snapped up to look at Anne and a smile spread across both of their faces.

"Anne! Oh my God!" Penny ran around the bar to swallow Anne in a hug.

"Hey, mom!" Anne responded as she buried her head in her mom's shoulder. Penny pulled away from the hug but kept her hands on Anne's shoulders. Penny inspected her daughter with a proud smile on her face before groaning and hugging her again.

"Oh, baby, I've missed you so much," Penny said. Anne chuckled and squeezed her mom tighter. They both pulled away from the hug and went back to their previous positions. "So, what brings you back here?"

"Duty calls. I got called back to Top Gun for a mission."

"Mmm, what's the mission for?"

"Don't know. Wasn't briefed." Penny gave an understanding nod and there was a comfortable beat of silence as Anne studied the bar. "How have things been here? The place looks great!"

"Oh same old, same old. Drunk sailors, drunk pilots, people coming to drink their woes away," Anne chuckled at her mom's comment. "We renovated the bathrooms! Still a nightmare to clean though."

"Oh, I've missed this place." Anne and Penny shared a smile.

"Have you talked to your dad?" Penny asked, already having an idea of what the answer would be.

"I got a letter last month. He's working on a new project, trying to fly to mock 10." Anne said with a sigh.

"And when did the letter before that one come?"

"Mmm, probably 9 months ago. I've stopped caring though. I stopped caring a while ago actually."

"What about Iceman, have you talked to him?"

"Yea! We were talking last week! He's not feeling the best but he's trying to keep his spirits high."

"That's good, that's good. We'll have to go visit him now that your back. Sara will be so happy to see you."

"Yea, I would be lying if I said I didn't miss her cherry pie." Penny chuckled at Anne's comment.

"What about Bradley, have you talked to him?"

"Oh yea, we text when we get the chance. Actually, we had a mission together about 10 months ago. It was nice to see him. The mission was easy too so, a lot of bar time."

"Oooo, and did anything come of that bar time?" Penny said raising her eyebrows and smirking at Anne.

"Ew, Mom, no. We've talked about this."

"Mark my word! One day... it will happen." Anne just rolled her eyes. People had started trickling into the bar, some in uniform, and some that Anne recognized. Anne scanned the group before turning back to her mom.

"I should go mingle. I think those are my teammates for this mission." Anne said as she stood up.

"Alright hon, it was nice actually seeing your face for once and not just hearing your voice through the phone."

"Oh, this isn't the last time I'll be here. You can't get rid of me that quickly." Anne smiled before leaning over the bar and kissing her mom on the cheek. "Love ya!"

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