Chapter 13

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Free-Bird was ordered to stay in her standby plane until Phoenix, Bob, Payback, and Fanboy were safely back on the carrier. She eventually composed herself, wiping away her tears and telling herself that she would be of no use if she was a sobbing, blubbering mess for the rest of the mission.

As she waited, she listened to every single message coming through her radio. Most were just air control updates, telling Phoenix and Payback which way to fly and the pilots copying the orders. Nothing about Rooster and Mav.

After about 10 minutes, Free-Bird saw her friends plane's approaching the carrier. She started to fidget, wanting to get out of her plane and start to help in some way. A message through the radio caught her attention though.

Through all the landing orders, a male said, "Sir, we're receiving a signal from Rooster ESAT..." Free-Bird looked around frantically, looking for Rooster's plane. Maybe by some miracle, he was flying in a severely damaged F-18.

"There seems to be a malfunction..." The male voice continued. She heard Warlock ask something in the background that she couldn't quite make out. "No sir, he's supersonic." Free-Bird's mouth dropped open. Maybe when he was hit the damage wasn't as bad as they originally thought. He had somehow regained control of the plane and was able to start flying back to the carrier!

A small spark of hope lit in Anne's chest. Maybe Bradley wasn't dead.

"Sir, overwatch reports an F-14 Tomcat is airborne and on course for our position." Commanche said into the radio. That crazy motherfucker figured out how to fly an F-14. What the hell? No Rooster hadn't figured out how to fly the F-14. They were never taught how to fly them, the planes were way to old. Anne's eyes widened in realization.

"Maverick!" Free-Bird exclaimed to herself. She scanned the sky in front of her, hoping to catch a glimpse of the F-14 but she could only see the sky stretch into the horizon.

"Sir, bandits have intercepted the F-14," Commanche informed. Free-Bird snapped her head to look at the planes radar. Nothing, they were still too far out from the carrier. There was more unintelligible talking before she heard, "No, they seem to only be flying side by side." Free-Bird knew that Maverick wouldn't lead enemies to the carrier but she also knew that an F-14 would never out run the 5th generation fighters that the enemies were no doubt flying.

"Oh, one of the enemy planes just dropped below radar." Shuffling was heard then Free-Bird heard Warlock's voice.

"He shot one down..." Free-Bird knew Mav was good, so good he just shot down one of the most advanced fighter planes to exist in a museum piece, but she knew he was going to need help. He still had another plane on him and back up probably wasn't far behind.

"Dagger spare one requesting permission to launch and assist Maverick," Free-Bird asked.

"Dagger two requesting launch and assist too!" Hangman followed. Free-Bird looked over to Hangmans plane. Jake met Anne's eyes and nodded, he had her back. There was a beat of silence.

"Request confirmed, prepare for launch," Commanche said. Free-Bird had never moved faster in her life. She strapped in and fastened her mask to her helmet. As Free-Bird and Hangman were preparing to launch, Maverick and Rooster were moving in circles, caught in a dogfight with the remaining plane.

Free-Bird and Hangman sped towards Maverick and Rooster.

"He's heading back towards land," Commanche called through the radio.

"He's confusing the planes nav system!" Free-Bird yelled.

"Smart man," Hangman quipped.

"Any other updates, Commanche?" Free-Bird asked.

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