Chapter 14

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AN: OKAY I NORMALLY DONT DO NOTES AT THE BEGINNING BUT THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SMUT. THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING SMUT AHHHHH PLEASE BEAR WITH ME. (for those who are uncomfy with it, it's starts after, "Let's take this inside shall we?" and ends at the little tilde thing ~ <that)

Anne was back in her favorite place: The Hard Deck. Everything was perfect. Her mom was running the bar, her Dad sitting and talking (well doing as much talking as he could before being thrown out again) and she was surrounded by her friends. They were currently locked in an intense 9-ball match. Bob, Jake, and Bradley were up against Natasha, Anne, and Reuben. Jake had just lost the game and Bob was laying into him.

"How can you shoot down a 5th generation fighter in the middle of a dogfight but you can't pot ONE DAMN BALL?!" The group laughed as they watched Jake try to get a word in... he was failing miserably.

"Hey, Anne!" She looked over to see Bradley standing by the piano. "Care for a song?" Anne's eyes lit up and she immediately ran over, unplugging the jukebox on the way. Eventually, everyone quieted and they started their song, Great Balls of Fire. Once again Bradley played and Anne sang, like always.

Everyone was dancing, even Penny and Pete. Ooo's came from the crowd when Anne leaned down and kissed Bradley after singing "kiss me, baby". Their friends were singing along. They were out of their uniforms and styled hair. The bar was warm and smelled like beer. It was a perfect moment.

When the song ended, the bar erupted and cheers and Bradley dipped Anne and kissed her.

"You're so cheesy," she teased.

"You love it."

"I do."

Eventually, the night came to an end with Anne's little group sitting around a table in the back of the bar, Bradley's arm slung across her shoulders. A perfect ending to a perfect night. They all waved their goodbyes, something sad in the air as they all knew this would be their last time meeting for a while. Anne ran and hugged Natasha.

"I don't know what I would have done without you this mission," Anne confessed. Natasha just chuckled and squeezed her tighter.

"Until next time Free-Bird," she whispered as she pulled back. They shared a smile, then went their separate ways. Anne jogged over to Bradley's truck.

As they were getting in, Anne could tell Bradley wanted to say something. He kept giving her sideways glances and taking deep breaths. After knowing him so many years, she knew his tells.

"Alright Bradley, spit it out," she said eventually.

"I- What?" His eyes grew wide as they flickered between her and the road they were driving down.

"What's on your mind. I can tell you want to say something, just shoot." He took another deep breath before responding.

"I was just wondering if maybe you would um," he cleared his throat, "spend the night with me? At my house? Tonight?" Anne started to laugh. Bradley's brow furrowed and he frowned. "What?"

"Smooth Bradley, real smooth," she continued to laugh. As he mumbled a response that she couldn't quite make out.

"Is that a yes or a no, Mitchell?" He finally asked.

"Yes, I would love to spend the night with you." She finally answered him. He lifted his chin and puffed out his chest a little more, both of them unable to get rid of their smiles for the rest of the ride.

After a short while longer, they pulled into the drive way of Bradley's small two bedroom house. Anne studied the exterior as Bradley ran to open her door.

It was a simple house, nothing too flashy. She couldn't explain it but it's was so... Bradley. She was pulled out of her train of thought by her door being flung open.

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