Chapter 22: Resolute

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"My lady..." Ser Jon Arundel lowered his head in a respectful bow before meeting the gaze of Daena, who was seated right before him.

Jon Arundel wasn't a stern man, despite his tallness and mostly tense face. He was neither an outstanding politician nor a sophisticated plotter. However, there was one thing that one could consider unique in the world they lived in: he was loyal. Loyalty was one of his best traits, which he never failed to prove over the years of his service to House Lannister.

"I bring you my sincere apologies for disturbing you that late at night, my lady..." He said carefully, trying to read the look on Daena's face.

The Targaryen Lady raised her eyebrow slightly when her eyes met her servant's.

"I believe..." She started talking, her voice very tranquil. "We do indeed have things to discuss."

The man nodded, taking a firmer stand in front of the silver-haired woman.

"The loss of our little Lord is a piece of heartbreaking news, my lady. I bring my deepest condolences to you, as a mother." Despite the nice words of support that left Jon's mouth, the intonation of his voice wasn't at all sympathetic or even emotional in any way.

Daena didn't react to it much: the focus of her eyes remained unwavering. She could tell where the conversation was going. Ser Arundel, most likely, didn't consider it necessary to wait for any response from the Targaryen Lady, going on with his speech promptly:

"You can tell, my lady, talks are arising on the matter of succession."

Daena tilted her head to the right, her lips slightly pursed.

"Lord Tyland, my late lord husband's brother, is an obvious successor, is he not?"

"Some would say he is, my lady. And he has already been named Warden of the West and Lord of Casterly Rock."

Targaryen lady's eyes widened in surprise.

"The blood of my poor son is not yet cold, and you have already proceeded with officiating his successor? And you didn't consider my counsel necessary in the matter?"

Daena could feel the blood boiling in her veins as she spoke, the rage slowly blooming red on her cheeks.

"Forgive me, my lady, but the times are difficult. We had to secure the succession for the sake of the House and its safety."

Daena turned her head away, trying not to look offended by being ignored.

"If everything is decided, what is the purpose of this conversation?"

Ser Jon lowered his head once again, slightly reluctant to go on speaking.

"Well, my lady, as you know, Lord Tyland is unmarried and childless, as of now, and, most likely, will remain such."

"What makes you think that?" Daena had raised her head again, her eyes meeting the man's once more.

Arundel took a small pause.

"Lord Tyland is at war and could be held captive by Princess Rhaenyra, my lady. You know how wars tend to end for non-royalty when even the royals die so easily." He uttered with a note of bitterness, reproach even, in his voice.

"What are you implying?"

"I am implying that Lady Ceryssa, the single living child of Lord Jason, might remain the only eligible member of House Lannister alive by the end of this war... If she survives this war, that is."

Daena bit her lip slightly, slowly realizing what Jon Arundel truly meant. The conversation was taking the turn she did not at all anticipate. The woman could feel the stress bubbling up in her stomach as she asked:

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