Chapter 9: Cautious

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"We are blessed to have gathered here today, my dears." Queen Alicent's expression was quite content, as she looked at everyone seated by the dining table: it was her, of course, Helaena, Daena, Aemond, and Daeron, all sharing a private dinner. There was one person only missing, yet nobody, except the Queen, seemed to have paid attention to it, being involved in lively conversations with each other. However, it was soon meant to change: a split second - and the door swung open.

"Forgive me my lateness, mother. Everyone..."

Aegon slowly walked into the chambers: it was obvious to everyone that the prince probably consumed half the wine from the cellars of the Red Keep before he even remembered about the feast. The young man approached the dining table, staggering slightly, and took a seat right next to Daena, even though his sister-wife Helaena was seated in front of her, on the other side of the table. Daena lowered her gaze, trying to avoid a tense look Alicent was giving her eldest son.

Aegon's behavior bothered Daena greatly: ever since she came back to King's Landing, and their small adventure in the tavern happened, the Prince didn't even try to hide his attraction to his elder sister: he would prefer to sit next to her rather than his wife, he would take her hand and kiss it in public, he would call her My Daena, no matter if he was drunk or sober. The Lady felt very uncomfortable with his advances, as not only she couldn't find it in her heart to accept his bold advances, but also it affected her, and the Prince's, reputation in court. While some, being aware of Aegon's nature, didn't pay much attention to his actions, the evil tongues used it to denounce the Prince and his sister, calling him an unfaithful drunkard, and Daena - drunkard's whore. The rumors were not addressed by anyone: Aegon didn't care and Daena chose to ignore them. However, the Lady tried to spend less time with her brother now, to avoid the spreading of rumors, that could be worse and more vile. As for Helaena, these things didn't seem to bother her at all: nobody truly knew what the princess preoccupied herself with, but those things undoubtedly weren't some petty rumors, nor even her husband in general.

There was one person, though, whose reaction to the rumors bothered Daena: it was no other but Aemond. The Lady was worried: would he believe it? Would he not? What would he think of her if he did? Daena slowly raised her gaze back up, her eyes now completely focused on the second prince. Aemond was sipping on his wine, and as he noticed Daena's stare, he gave her a smile: a small one, but warm enough to make her worries drift away for some time.

"Now that everyone is here, let us pray before we begin the dinner." Alicent exclaimed, putting her hands together in a praying position.

Daena, just like everyone else, followed the actions of her mother, closing her eyes. She had enough to be grateful to the Seven for: several months passed since Daena had settled back in the Red Keep. They have been quite peaceful, and probably the happiest in her life: surrounded by her beloved children and family, Daena prospered, waking up with a smile on her face every morrow. She would spend most of her time with Helaena, letting their children get to know each other and grow close. It was going very well: Jaehaera and Ceryssa became almost inseparable, while Lancel always took his time engaged in fun games with Jaehaerys and Maelor. Daena's miserable existence in Lannisport now seemed no more than a distant memory, which rarely bothered her at that point. Undoubtedly, the occasional condolences expressed by newly arrived ladies would make her lower her head and muster a grieving expression, yet it disappeared as quickly as those nobles leaving her presence.

Soon after the prayer, it was time to savor the food. As Daena was picking out small pieces of vegetables off her plate, for the meat wouldn't go well with her lately, she kept noticing how her eyes drifted to Aemond again and again, whenever they got a chance. The second prince's response to her gaze was likewise: his only sighted eye seemed to always be on Daena, no matter the circumstances. The realization made the Lady's heart flatter. Sometimes the butterflies forming in her stomach prevented her from focusing on important things, which bothered her greatly: the feeling was very much new for her, and the ways to handle it were still veiled with mystery. With the realization came denial: ignoring the obvious signs of her uncontrollable attraction to Aemond, she was utterly ashamed of it. It went beyond all the definitions of common sense: he was six years her minor, the one she grew up with and always considered her younger brother. Yet the feeling, that was slowly taking over her mind and body, was becoming harder and harder to resist, which, somewhere deep down, made Daena wonder if he ever genuinely shared the way she felt about him.

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