Chapter 3: Indebted

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The clatter of hoofs undoubtedly disturbed the beautiful silence of the road along the Blackwater Bay. It was early morning, and only the sound of waves accompanied the squeaking of multiple carriages.

"Why couldn't I fly Sunfyre all the way to Dragonstone? This ride is so boring." Young Prince Aegon looked quite annoyed, his gaze shifted to the beautiful view from the small window of the carriage. He recently turned thirteen years old, having completely claimed his dragon, Sunfyre. The boy loved the majestic beast and felt the urge to remind everyone of becoming a real dragon rider several moons ago.

Queen Alicent, holding her youngest son, Prince Daeron, in her arms, chuckled at her oldest's comment.

"The distance is too big, dear, and you've only learnt to ride Sunfyre on your own recently. Believe me, you'll be traveling far away on the dragon's back sooner than you'd expect."

Aegon rolled his eyes.

"Do you think I wouldn't be able to travel this far? I even gave Daena a ride a few days ago. Right, Daena?"

The girl nodded. She sat right next to Alicent, pressing her head against the woman's shoulder, as she suffered slightly from the travel sickness. Daena wasn't the only one not to enjoy the trip much: Prince Aemond was sleeping next to her, having put his head on her lap. Daena gently stroked his hair from time to time, checking on him that way.

There was another thing occupying her mind as well. The recent flight with Aegon made Daena realize that she was, in fact, terrified of dragons. Sunfyre wasn't even the biggest or the most fierce, yet his expression and behavior scared the girl to death. Dragons were magical, that went without saying, but as much as they were such, they were deadly. If she weren't scared, she told herself, she would be a fool. The girl did realize that, no matter what her family believes in, they don't control the dragons. It were the dragons who let Targaryens control them... And as much as they gave that control to them, they could take it away that instant.

"Daena? Did you even listen to me?" The little lady heard the voice, turning her head to Aegon, who was speaking. The young prince chuckled. "Were you thinking about something?"

Daena shook her head. "Ah, yes." She said. "What were you talking about, brother?"

* * *

The family was traveling to Dragonstone for a reason: a family reunion was to be held there. Everyone was expected to be present: the King and the Queen, princes, princesses, and ladies of House Targaryen. Daena didn't anticipate it much: she knew her father and his new family would be there. The girl hadn't talked to Prince Daemon even once in the past seven years, for the Rogue Prince didn't show any interest in his daughter. At the same time, the news reached her fast that a year after the marriage her father and her new stepmother, Lady Laena Velaryon, welcomed twin daughters, Ladies Rhaena and Baela. Three sisters had never met, and that was, perhaps, the only thing Daena was at least slightly excited about.

After a long carriage ride, a ship voyage followed, not lasting too long. The whole day of traveling had paid off, as they reached Dragonstone by sunset. The castle, indeed, was an epitome of her family's pride and power. Daena pictured it in her head numerous times, and still, she was amazed by its aura. It was truly a place of strength, the cradle of House Targaryen and, without a doubt, the home of dragons.

The king, Queen Alicent, and the children were quickly greeted by Princess Rhaenyra and Lord Leanor Velaryon, who, with their two sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys, had resided there for the last year or so, taking a break from the busy life in Red Keep. As Daena soon found out, her father Daemon, Lady Laena, and her half-sisters wouldn't be there till the very next morrow.

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