Chapter 16: Broken

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YEARS 129-130 AC

King Aegon's injuries turned out to be more severe than predicted: he was expected to be able to get up in a week or so, yet no progress followed. Young king, intoxicated by the milk of poppy, had almost completely lost his senses. His groans of agony were heard all over the Red Keep from dusk till dawn, causing the maesters stay sleepless for nights on end.

Queen Alicent was absolutely heartbroken: the second child of hers fell victim to the war and was unlikely to recover. The woman was paler than a blank sheet of paper, her eyes empty, her lips dry, covered with pieces of half-bitten skin. She now spent half of her day with her poor daughter Helaena, and half of the day - with her barely alive son. Her motherly heart was aching as she watched two out of her five children perishing slowly in anguish.

As the king was not seen to be able to fulfill his duties properly, a regent had been appointed. It was not Daena this time, no. She wasn't quite seen as a good and the only option anymore. Moreover, she didn't think herself suited at all, nor having any proper claim to the Throne anyway. Her place as the temporary regent was swiftly taken by her new husband, Prince Aemond, by the order of Aegon himself, who communicated with Ser Criston Cole in his rare moments of sanity. The king, it seemed like, completely lost hope in his survival, as he passed the title of Protector of The Realm to his younger brother, as well as his own throne and the crown of Aegon The Conqueror. Aemond, though, was reluctant in addressing himself as the King yet, as his brother was still alive. However, the One-Eye was the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms in everything but name, especially in the pride he bore the title with.

* * *

"Aegon... Aegon, do you hear me?" Daena whispered, leaning on the right side of her brother's bed.

The King's eyes were closed. To her relief, she could see his chest slowly moving up and down, even though every breath seemed to be unbearably painful for him. A small tear slowly formed in Daena's eyes, as she reached out with her hand to caress his face, the part of it which wasn't affected by the fire of the dragon. Aegon, having felt his lover's touch, slowly lifted his eyelids, giving Daena a weak, suffering look.

"Daena..." His voice was quiet and faint, yet a small shade of hope in it made a barely noticeable smile appear on the young woman's face.

"Yes, it is me, my dear."

Her fingertips were still touching his skin, making their way slowly to his lips. At this action, Aegon mustered a slightly bigger smile, which made Daena feel a little warmth in her heart.

"I am... I am glad... That you are here." The King whispered.

"Tell me that you are feeling better, please." Daena pleaded quietly, her eyes focused on his.

"That... Doesn't matter much." He responded, still weakly. "Where are Jaehaera and Maelor? Are they well?"

The Lady nodded.

"They are still very distressed, but they eat well and sleep properly. They-"

Aegon didn't let her finish, his words interrupting hers.

"Take them to safety. Send them away. Somewhere... Somewhere far from King's Landing. Them, and Ceryssa as well."

Daena's expression became slightly worried at his words. She decided not to ask him for his reasoning, believing that every said word would cause him pain, as his burns were nowhere close to healing. That thought alone terrified Daena greatly; on the other hand, she could understand the nature of Aegon's request even without his explanation. If, or rather when, the Blacks found out about the horrible state of Aegon, they, most likely, would try to invade the Red Keep. This way, sending the children away from the capital was merely a reasonable precaution.

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