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New chapter fruitcuppzz 😚🫶
Hello lovelies, new chapter and the halloween time skip is next chapter. Enjoy the chapter!! :)

It had been a week since the group sleepover at the Yamada's house and the group are close as they could be. In their math class, Evelyn, Donna and Robin had been split up in their new seating chart and now, Donna was in the seat one row in from the row at the wall of the room and Robin was sat beside her (duo desks). Evelyn was put in the very back corner on her own table of two, or so she thought as the person beside her hadn't shown up to any classes yet. Robin and Donna both would rather be sat beside Evelyn and they turned to her with pleading looks. She had sat in the seat diagonally behind Donna and Robin was on the other side of Donna.

R D -- --

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*(^e.g. of the seats^)*

Evelyn sighed as they were gonna talk to her, loudly and would probably end up moving again. Around 10 minutes into the lesson, a boy walked in. He spoke to the teacher in hushed whispers as their math teacher (Mr Johnson) pointed to the empty seat by Evelyn. Before the boy could move, Mr Johnson motioned for him to introduce himself. "oh...right."

The boy cleared his throat as he turned to look around the students, "I-uh, I'm Walker..." he trailed off as he waved slightly, obviously uncomfortable. Mr Johnson sighed and nodded him to sit down, which he did at lightening speed, desperate for everyone to stop looking at him.

The lesson went on and Walker began speaking to Evelyn, the two seemed to get along. Robin was annoyed. 'How could he just swoop in like that...?'

By the end of the class, Robin got up as soon as the bell rung and he approached the two in the corner, along with Donna. "Hi, I-" Walker was cut off by Robin as he spoke in a bitter tone, "Yeah Yeah, you're Walker, we know." He grabbed Evelyn and began pulling her away, to which Walker and Donna hurried behind, Walker not wanting to be left alone as Evelyn was the first friend he made. 

"Robin, stop, let me go- stop it!" she ripped her arm out of his grip as they got into the hallway, the rest of the group waiting for them. "What is your problem? huh?" she spoke accusingly, the group sensing the tension watched in shock as Evelyn looked annoyed for once. "You can't just do that!"

Robin looked shocked and felt like an idiot. He had no plausible explanation for doing what he did other than that he was jealous, and he sure as hell wasn't going to tell her that. He looked at her apologetic as he went to speak, "sor-" Evelyn cut him off, "it's not me you should apologise to, although you should do that too, Walker deserves an apology."

He looked taken aback, "What? Why should I apologise to him?" Evelyn simply raised her eyebrows, mouth drawn in a straight line and Griffin couldn't help but shudder as he noticed the striking similarity between Evelyn's fierce glare and their mothers. 

Vance spoke as he noticed the blonde haired boy looking awkward, waiting for Evelyn. "Walker?" At the sound of the name from Vance's mouth, everyone turned to him looking shocked.

"oh, hey Vance, uh-" Walker cleared his throat, awkwardly (again) as he was at a loss for words. 

"You know each other?" both Evelyn and Robin spoke at the same time, Evelyn's tone curious and relieved and Robin's tone incredulous. 

"yeah," Vance spoke angrily, towards Robin at the tone before turning to Evelyn with a slightly less gruff tone, "He's my cousin, Walker Hopper."

At Vance's tone, Robin smiled falsely and spoke, "Oh well, why didn't you say so...?" he trailed off, signalling to the others he didn't care. The bell rang and Walker signalled for Evelyn to go with him, Robin looked outraged. "um, why would she go with you?"

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