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Hello lovelies! Another chapter. I've decided to do a time skip to around halloween in the chpter after the next one (08). Hope you enjoy the chapter! <33


When the two reached the others, they immediately noticed Bruce's absence and Finney took that as his opportunity to leave and get ready for the game, missing the less than happy look that rested on Robin's face when he saw the two's interlocked hands. Evelyn seemed to miss it too as she instantly turned to Gwen in question.

"How is it I'm a minute behind you and you already managed to get popcorn?" She asked. Gwen's response was simply a shrug of her shoulders as Amy waved them over to sit by her parents. Evelyn ended up sat between Amy and Donna as Robin sat behind her And Donna and the others sat around them.

Donna handed Evelyn a soda as she thanked her, smiling and Robin simply admired her, missing the cue that the game had started.

Throughout the game, he hadn't really payed much attention until he noticed Evelyn sit up, her interest piqued. He looked up to see she was now attentive due to Finney's appearance. His head was jealous of the attention he got from her but his heart outweighed that as it was rooting for Finney, more so when he noticed the whole group were.

Two strikes. One more to win. Gwen held her breath as she turned slightly, grabbing both Evelyn's and Donna's hands from where she sat in front of them as Evelyn mumbled quietly, so quietly in fact Robin barely caught it, but he did.

"Come on Finn..."

Finney looked at the bleachers briefly and saw the state of the group (specifically Evelyn) and felt more pressure- a need to win. Almost as if he had heard Evelyn's encouragement when he looked at her, she smiled and he threw the ball. The group as well as Everyone on the bleachers halted in anticipation as the opposing batter...missed.

Cheering was all that could be heard as the group stood to cheer in celebration. Evelyn was hugged by seemingly everyone as she looked around to see others celebrating amongst one another. She looked down to where Finney stood and saw his team cheering with bruce and him at the centre. At that moment he looked up and his heart was heard in his own ears as he made eye contact with her. She smiled brightly and clapped, showing it was just for him.

The prideful feeling within him swelled as he saw her applauding him. Only him.

The moment was cut short as she was pulled into a hug by Gwen. Finney was snapped out of his trance by Bruce who had noticed the interaction but chose not to say anything.

The group had hung back to wait for the others as the two boys were the last out.

Amy launched herself at Bruce the second she saw him and the others all said a collection of praise to them. Bruce then turned to Gwen as he said smugly "i told you we'd win"

"Oh I'm sorry for my lack of faith, Finney looked like he was gonna puke before his last throw." Came her response as the group shared a laugh as Finney looked at her in mock offence. The group had started towards Vance, Robin and Billy's houses as they were getting their things for the sleepover they were having at Amy and Bruce's house.

As the group reached their houses, they opted to wait outside as Robin turned to them, not going in to his house just yet. The others had branched off some going into either Billy's or Vance's house as Robin turned to Evelyn, Gwen and Finney. He nodded as if asking if they would come in, to which they agreed.

As they entered, Evelyn noted that it was homely and the faint sound of a television played in the background. They herd a voice call out, "is that you mijo?" It was a woman's voice, revealing itself to be his mother. Finney smiled as he had met her before and Gwen waved in acknowledgement as the two had briefly met when she was dragged to Robin's by Finney.

Their girl ~ TBP Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu