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When Donna and Evelyn arrived in science class, they were on time. Early in fact. This came as a surprise to the teacher, Mr Robinson, and a few regular early comers as the girls had never been early to a science class before. This class had a new seating chart two and the girls weren't so lucky .

Donna was sat in the front left corner and Evelyn was sat in the back right corner. They glanced longingly at each other hoping their kicked-puppy expressions would be enough for Mr Robinson to move them. He simply ignored them as the girls decided to suck it up as it wasn't too long and they were happy to at least be in the same class. The bell rang as the remainder of the students piled in. Amongst them was Finney Blake. Both Donna and Evelyn knew who he was. Gwen was their best friend after all.

As Finney saw where he was sat, he internally leapt with joy. He was sat in the back, beside her. Evelyn Stagg. Finney had wanted to talk with her and form some kind of 'friendship' with her since before he could remember. Until his sister swooped in and got there first.

Don't get him wrong, he loved his sister dearly. But Finney had liked Evelyn for a long time and Gwen knew. She teased him for it and even ensured the girls (+ Griffin) were independently contempt with their own little friend group. He sighed as he realised he had zoned out staring at her and almost everyone had sat down. He quickly scurried to his seat, hoping Evelyn hadn't seen that. To his luck she hadn't. In fact, she hadn't noticed anybody had sat down yet as she and Donna were trying to communicate across the room.

Evelyn may not have seen his staring from the front of the room, but Donna had. And she was trying to tell Evelyn before they left to their third period. The next thing they had together after this class was lunch and them gym. Evelyn didn't get the message as Mr Robinson started talking.

She finally spun around as their teacher had instructed them to get to know their partner throughout the introduction class. They were told these would be the fixed partners for the rest of the year, making Donna audibly gasp as she whipped around to look at Evelyn who looked stunned.

Mr Robinson had set them off on their work and taken a seat as the students began to quietly converse with one another.

Evelyn turned to look at her partner holding her breath. Finney had heard her audibly release the breath when she saw it was him. That made his heart rate pick up. 'Was that a good think? Or was it bad?..' his mind trailed off as he realised he was, once again, staring at her.

She spoke first, immediately reassuring Finney with what she opened with. "Oh, thank god."

He looked slightly taken aback, making her believe she had scared him as she began to try clear up what she meant. "I just-I meant 'oh thank god' as in 'thank god it's you and not someone I don't know-uh-you know what I mean. Right?" She trailed of doubtfully as she couldn't even remember how her sentence started as the ending slipped her mind and she awaited his response.

Finney smiled slightly. 'She's happy it's me' he thought. 'She would be happy with anyone she knew'. Countered his mind. 'But, she knows me!' He opened his mouth to speak as she continued looking at him awaiting his reply.

"Oh yeah. I know what you mean. I'm glad I have you as a partner too." He said with a small smile. This caused Evelyn to smile widely back at him as she began their worksheet they had to complete.

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