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Momona Tamada as Amy Yamada

The group approached the Grab n Go, Finney and Evelyn were still talking with smiles on their faces. Robin joined the pair, noticing how smiley they were.

When they entered, Vance made a beeline towards the pinball machine. 'They don't call him pinball Vance for nothing huh' Evelyn thought. The group moved to different areas of the store. Evelyn, Finney and Robin headed towards the candy, picking some up for the group. Donna and Bruce got the group sodas and Billy, Griffin, Gwen and Amy broke off from the group looking around and talking.

The group bought their snacks and drinks and payed as Evelyn thanked the woman behind the cash register. The woman only smiled. They waited for another 10 minutes until Vance was finished on the pinball machine before they left. They headed to the park for a while as the messed around. Evelyn was sat on a swing, gently rocking forward and back. She heard a noise as someone took the swing beside hers. She turned and saw Amy sat there.

"Hi" was all she said, timidly. Evelyn smiled at the girl and responded "hi. You having fun?"

At this, Amy responded with a nod of her head before sighing. Evelyn thought of anything that could be worrying Amy. "Are you worried your other friends will think-" Amy cut her off. "You guys are my only friends. And we met a few hours ago."

Evelyn nodded slightly in understanding as Bruce looked over to see his sisters sad expression. As he got up to go comfort her, he paused and smiled slightly as Evelyn bet him to it. She stood slightly and held her arms out. "Can I hug you?"

Amy looked up and smiled nodding excitedly. They two hugged and swayed slightly from side to side.

Amy spoke as the two pulled apart. "That was the best hug I've ever gotten." She hadn't realised Bruce was right behind her until he let out a gasp in mock horror. "Excuse me?!"

Amy swivelled around quickly. "Oh-I-uhh." She looked to Evelyn for help. Gwen and Donna approached. "She does give the best hugs" Gwen said as Donna nodded in agreement. Bruce was still kidding around and Amy caught on.

She gasped, "you're trying to make me feel bad." Bruce laughed as she ran after him and tagged him causing the other girls to join in. The boys sat around watching for a while before Evelyn approached them. They all watched her approach as she reached Griffin first. He smiled at her, making her feel bad for what she was about to do. "Sorry Grif." Was all she said before she tagged him and ran away giggling.

Griffin leant over and tagged Billy, who tagged Vance, who tagged Finney. Finney then tagged Robin and ran standing by Gwen and Evelyn, hoping Robin would stay away. He was wrong. Once Robin was it he went straight for Evelyn and as she swerved, he got Gwen instead. "Fuck you Arellano" she said with a laugh.

After a few minutes of running after each other, Finney was it and as the sun started to set, a few grew tired. Evelyn let her guard down and just a Finney tagged Robin, Robin ran straight at her. He expected her to run but she was catching her breath and he ran straight into her, effectively knocking them both over.

He caught himself, propping up his hands on either side of her. She looked up at him as she spoke. "Oh my fucking go-"

He cut her off. "Tag, you're it" as he got up holding a hand out to her. 'What an idiot...' she thought as she grabbed his hand, allowing him to pull her up. Once she was in her feet and he made sure she was ok, she kept ahold of his hand, effectively confusing him as he grew flustered. "Tag, got you back, bitch" she said as she ran off in a fit of giggles. Amy and Gwen laughed alongside her. Once Robin snapped out of his daze, he went for Gwen and the game went on for another ten minutes before the group had to disperse, heading home.

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