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Sleeping was a joy for Evelyn Stagg. She believed very much in 'beauty sleep'. Well anyone who knew her would believe that. In reality, she loved the feeling of relaxing and completely letting go,  putting full faith in her body to keep functioning as she sinks further and further into her mind. Both the feeling of excitement awaiting dreams and the feeling of nothingness on dreamless nights fulfilled her true happiness.

So when she heard a loud crashing noise, startling her from her pit of happiness, she was beyond annoyed. Her annoyance becoming irritation only to realise she was awoken 5 minutes before her alarm was set, meaning she couldn't go back to sleep and had lost a whole 5 minutes.

She heard a low mumbling along with a slight whimper leading her to believe the cause of the sound was her brother.

"Griffin?" She paused awaiting an answer.

Slowly her door creaked open and a head popped in smiling with regret. "Sorry Ev. I know you wanted to sleep." Her brother Griffin began, "I forgot to clear away my things last night and I tripped. I didn't mean to-"

She cut him off before he could finish. "It's okay Grif. I'm not angry."

She was slightly irritated but that irritation was over weighed by her love for her dearest brother.

Evelyn lived in an average sized home with her mother and her brother. She loved her family more than anything else in her life. She could never be angry at her brother. Unless he lied to her. The Stagg siblings were big on trust.

"What are you doing anyway?" She struggled to focus on him in her dim room, the curtains still being drawn closed.

"I was going to ask you something but I wanted to check you were awake first." He replied with a sheepish smile. "I guess you are now"

"So, what you're saying is that you woke me up on purpose?" She questioned, teasing him slightly. "I-uh-maybe?" He said unsurely, mumbling towards the end. He had failed to pick up on her playful manner.

"Kidding! what did you want to ask?" She cut in as his face visibly relaxed, even visible to Evelyn through her dark room.

As he thought of what he was going to ask, she climbed out of bed stretching as she made her way to her curtains and opened them. "Ummm... oh right! You had Ms Sanderson right? Is she nice? Or mean? I wanna be prepared y'know. It's my first day of 7th grade I just-"

This time Griffin cut himself off, believing his sister wasn't listening as she skimmed through her wardrobe looking for an appropriate outfit. She was 13, an eighth grader. Griffin was 12 and starting 7th grade.

*(a/n I'm not sure if that's right I'm British, it's different here. Correct me if I'm wrong)*

She turned to him with a calculating gaze. "She's... well- to put it simply, she's a bitch."

Griffin gasped at the word. It wasn't unusual for Evelyn to curse. Griffin was just not as accustomed to it. Evelyn typically cussed around her friends and her brother alike but, Griffin being griffin, he was always more shocked. Even when her friends Gwen Blake and Donna Clarke cussed. Although it was rare for Donna.

*(a/n correct me on Donna's last name if you know it, I'm not sure so I just gave her Becca's last name)*

She found an appropriate outfit and layed it on her bed, turning off her alarm as it went off, reminding her of her blissful sleep she could've had for five more minutes.

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