The Other Half of Me

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inspired by this video of Becky checking out Freen 🤭:
Chapter Text

It had been three weeks since Mon fractured her ankle and two since she had moved into Khun Sam's house. While she didn't require Sam's housemaids to be around all the time anymore, she still had her crutches and a boot on. The time she spent at Sam's house really helped her get the rest and recuperation she needed and so she was healing up quite nicely. She would still call her parents every day and update them. She told them about how she had gained a lot more confidence in her ability to get around on her own and was now able to go up and down the stairs slowly without Sam freaking out.

Today was a particularly good day for Mon; although she had spent most of it in the bed that she and Sam shared, she was able to participate in a Zoom meeting with her team at Diversity Pop from there and she was feeling very good about their project. After the meeting, she placed her laptop on the nightstand and called it a day. Mon swept her long, brown hair to the side. It cascaded down over a pink blazer and white blouse combination that she loved as well as a matching pink skirt. She was barely finished stretching her back and sore leg when she heard Sam come home from work.

In her two weeks of living with Sam, one thing Mon discovered is that her boss loved to do yoga to unwind after work before taking a nice, long bubble bath with a glass of wine. Since Mon had been staying with her, however, they made it a habit to share a bath together because it was still quite difficult for Mon to get in and out of the tub by herself and she was not meant to get her cast wet. At least that's how they explained things to the housemaids. Mon felt like a spoiled princess having Khun Sam pamper her and tend to her every need.

Mon smiled when she saw her girlfriend enter the bedroom.

"Welcome home, Chamcham!" She exclaimed cheerfully. The older woman let out a shy smile at the nickname. Over the last few months of dating, Mon had gotten accustomed to seeing the usually expressionless CEO of Diversity Pop smile. It was a privilege not many got to experience and Mon knew she was lucky.

"Thanks, babe." Sam immediately came over to Mon's side of the bed. "How are you doing? Do you need anything?" She always made a point to check in on Mon as soon as she got home.

"No, I just got off work myself. I'm just going to relax here for a while, maybe check my phone messages...You should just continue on with your yoga as you normally would." The younger woman said, smiling as Sam placed a loving kiss on the top of her head and gave her a warm hug.

Watching the gorgeous woman in front of her do yoga in her tight workout clothes was Mon's favorite part of her day and she didn't want to hold that up any longer. She watched her girlfriend get changed out of her work clothes and into a pair of dark leggings and a white sports bra. Sam wheeled out an expensive looking full length mirror that was tucked away in one of her many closets and placed it against the wall facing their bed. She then put her hair up in a simple ponytail before opening the bedroom window to let in the breeze.

Mon sat up in bed and watched in awe as the older woman did some stretches while looking at herself in the mirror, a serious expression on her face. Sam was a stickler for good form during her workouts, so she would roll it out during her routines to make sure she did all her poses properly. Little did she know that she wasn't the only one keeping a close eye on her form...

Mon licked her lips as she watched Lady Sam stand with her legs spread and then bend over, swinging her torso back and forth to give the back of her legs a nice, dynamic stretch. Khun Sam looks so good in those leggings... Mon thought to herself as she subconsciously bit her bottom lip. Soon, she found herself getting lost in another fantasy involving Sam. Since losing her virginity to the "Honourable Lady" a few months ago, her fantasies about the older woman had gotten a lot more... erotic to say the least.

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