The End

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The krangified creature was hovering nearby, keeping at least one eye on the tiny being at all times. Even despite being under their full control, it still shows a small concern for the being.

He'll admit, the heroes of this planet are nothing if not persistent. They are quite determined to get back their comrade, despite having been betrayed. But it matters not. With the Technodrome now on the planet and he and his sister and brother at their best, they stand no chance. This world will submit to the power of Krang, like all other planets before it. He can see the destruction that's already being caused by just the minions and weapons alone. This world doesn't stand a chance.

As he stares out at the city being destroyed, a creature walks out from beneath him. Ugh, it's one of the heroes. Well, at least he can make use of this opportunity and have it killed right here and now.

As the hero stares out at the city below, the eye of the Technodrome shines on it, startling the hero and causing it to draw its weapons. But the hero is quick to go from startled to smug.

"Surprise. I've come for my brother and Bee." The hero points one of its weapons at him as if it were threatening him.

This causes him to let out a laugh at its weak attempt to scare him. He maneuvers the tiny being in his arms to be held in one hand, dangling in front of the hero but out of reach.

"Let me guess. Duty."

The creature looks away and chuckles. "He said doodie." It mumbled under its breath but the humor of its words was lost on him.

Krang 1 looked to the former hero beside him, it still keeping one eye on the tiny being. He held out his empty hand and gestured to the hero still pointing its weapon at him.

It jumped into the air and landed harshly on the ground, sending smoke into the air. The former hero approached its 'brother'.

"Raph, you're coming with me, whether you like it or not. And Bee's coming too." The former hero roared in response.

"I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to." The creature took out its other weapon.

Krang 1 let out a laugh, amused by the whole situation. "Oh, you will have to." This will be an amazing show for him.

The former hero growled before charging at its brother. The hero then drew back its swords and swung at the other. The two fought vigorously, the hero fighting defensively while the former hero was fighting with the intent to kill. As they continued to fight, trading blows, the former hero eventually got the upper hand and threw his brother into a wall. A sickening crack sounded throughout the room that caused even a shiver to go down Krang 1's nonexistent spine.

The sound had also startled the tiny being still dangling from his hand. It made a distressed cry, much like earlier before starting with its terrible wailing all over again.

"Silence you annoying creature." He yelled as quietly as he could, not wanting to disrupt the fight. He quickly formed some slime to rise from the walls of the room and tightly wrapped it around the being, making sure that it was as tight as it could be without risking suffocating the being. It was more useful alive than dead. Its cries could still be heard but it was greatly muffled.

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