Don't You Remember?

Start from the beginning

"Right now, nothing! I had a really bad flu but I've been to the doctor's and I'm all better now. I was going to resume work tomorrow and I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want to disturb your trip to Connecticut..," she began to trail off.

"It's okay! You wouldn't have disturbed me. The trip didn't pan out the way I had intended," Josh said and Jennifer sensed his disappointment.

"I'm sorry! Did something happen?" She asked, hoping that something bad did happen.

"Let's just say that it wasn't as romantic as I had wanted it to be," Josh said dismissively.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Jennifer said, although she was feeling the opposite.

"Well, I'm glad to see you doing good. I uh, I guess I should be going now. See you tomorrow?"

"Of course, Sir. And thank you for coming over. I really appreciate it."

"Anytime, Jennifer," he said and walked over to his car.

He got in and drove away with Jennifer watching him with a smile on her face as he left. She was happy to see him again and even happier to hear that he didn't enjoy his weekend with the bitch. Was this a sign that she could still have a chance to make him hers? She surely thought that it was and was more than willing to take it.

Jennifer went back inside and walked into her bedroom. She looked over at her bed and picked the gun off of it. She took out the last bullet in the cylinder and put the gun in a little box and closed it.

"I guess there's still a chance after all. One way or another, with a demon's help or without, I will make you mine, Joshua Clinton; and if I cannot have you, then no one can," Jennifer said to herself.

Suicide was no longer in the cards for her. It was time to get back to her mission to rid Josh of Isabelle and get him to fall in love with her...and if that wasn't possible, then she'd have no reason to keep living but she would surely take Josh down with her.


Isabelle was still very busy at work and was typing quickly on the computer in her office. She needed to settle a few things before leaving but it didn't seem like she'd be able to in the few minutes she had left before she would have to leave so she could move her things to her boyfriend's house.

Finishing her work would mean staying late at the office and she didn't want to put off moving till tomorrow so she typed even faster.

As she worked, her sixth sense began to tingle and she raised her head and looked away from her screen. She listened for a sound but the entire workplace was completely silent and she didn't understand why.

Isabelle got out of her chair and walked out of her office. She stood by the hallway but there was no one in sight.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Isabelle called out but no one answered.

She arrived at the main office area and all the desks in different cubicles were empty. She was all alone in the office and she was getting scared because something bad was surely about to happen.

Suddenly, Isabelle could hear some wailing sounds coming from a few doors away. She started walking toward the sound and the closer she got, the more she could hear it and could tell that it was a crying baby. She moved closer to the sound until she arrived at the door of the women's restroom. She could hear the wails of the baby even clearer now and although she was frightened, she still went in.

She got inside the restroom and right in the middle of the room was an old-fashioned bassinet. Isabelle could hear the baby but she couldn't see it yet. She slowly approached the bassinet and when she was standing right next to it, she reached out a hand to pull up the sun cover so she could see the baby.

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