3 // hooty!

36 1 1

(AGAIN, there is murder..)
"LUZ?!" An old woman screamed. Luz turned backwards and saw Eda, jumping into her arms and sharing a warming hug. They both thought one another were dead, but here they were.
"Ok.. I'm glad you're here Luz but we need to save king. Anyone got a plan?" Eda asked, and they all went into thought. Suddenly, the collector had a great idea.
"We can all go in, but we need to get Hooty out of the.. whatever he is in.." he explained.
Luz though for a second, then pulled out her phone. She pulled up a website with creepypasta stuff and scrolled down to find the area for doppelgängers.
"This is what might have happened with the black moon.. maybe the black moon eclipse is making everyone turn into doppelgängers? There has to be a way to fix them.. Eda what the hell are you wearing?"
Eda looks embarrassed, she is wearing a dark blue wig and a black dress, trying to look like Lilith. "I figured this would help with Hooty.. wish me luck.."
Before Luz could protest, Eda is already walking over to Hooty. She taps on his body, and he stretches back to see her. He thinks she is Lilith, so he starts to gain back memories. It's working!
"L.. Lu.. lulu?" He says, finally turning back to his normal self. "LULU!!!!" He wraps around Eda then realizing who it is. "Ohh.. Eda. EDA!!" Still hugging her, because he was saved by her.
Luz and the collector look back at Eda and then Hooty, and Eda again. They're amazed! This means they have a chance to save the boiling isles! But now it's time to save king.

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