o l d c h a p t e r s # 1

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Chapter 6

Dean's nickname for Flower <ayla> in the old version of this book was "Clover". They constantly bickered over this because Dean called her Clover since it's a lucky "flower" but Flower begs to differ.

I felt someone stroking my hair.

I stirred before opening my tired eyes. I immediately felt pain swell at the back of my head. Stupid hangover.

Well I guess the saying alcohol doesn't cause hangovers; waking up does, is true.

"Morning Clover. How's that charm of yours going?" He asked smiling sheepishly at me.

I squinted my eyes at him; still tired. "I don't feel any lucky... or charming." I mumbled and rolled over shutting my eyes again.

"Do you have any memory of last night?" He asked in concern.

"Yes. No. Yes. I don't know." I mumbled sleepily.

He sighed. "Well you collapsed... or fainted. You're lucky Ryler insisted on party crashing that frat house party to embarass you. But when we got there, we saw you crying. And when you stood up... you lost balance. I caught you and Ryler carried you to the car and brought you home. I just came this morning to check up on ya." He explained.

"Thanks Dean." I yawned.

Then I froze as his words finally dug in. Ryler carried me?

When I saw that guy carrying that drunk girl to his car last night and wished Ryler could do it to me... I never ever, in my entire life ever expected that to actually happen.

"Don't worry about it." He flashed a grin.

I sat up sleepily and looked around. I was in my room.

Did Ryler go through all of the trouble to carry me up all three levels of stairs to my bedroom?

My stomach felt twisted and my heart beat sped up and slowed down.

"Dean... How did I get into these clothes?" I gestured to the white shirt and black cotton shorts I was wearing.

He shrugged. "I guess Ryler changed your clothes last night."

"C'mon. Let's go get you somethin' to eat Clover." His strong british accent filled my ears and I stood up lazily.

He pulled my hand and dragged me downstairs as I groaned in annoyance.

"Where's Ryler?" I asked as we entered the kitchen. He tensed a little before turning to me and giving me a warming smile.

"He's gone to his dad's. He wants to discuss something about accepting an interview with Lana Del Rey." He shrugged.

"Oh... okay." I slightly frowned but quickly went to the pantry in search of food before Dean saw it.

After a while, Dean and I sat at the kitchen counter eating cereal.

"So... a few more months aye?" He finally broke the silence.

I knew what he was referring to immediately.

"I really don't know if I'm ready to sign the papers Dean. I just... I just really love him."

"What do you find so interesting about him? Clover, there are a million guys out there who'll be willing to bow down to you and here you are... still falling in love with a guy who never notices the small things you do for him." He retailed frustratedly.

I shook my head. "There's just something about him. I don't know... I just love everything about that boy." I sighed.

"I figured." He muttered.

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