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"-plus I have to go and do the grocery shopping... you'll need to put all of those books back on the shelf and wash the rest of the dishes... Ayla! Are you even listening to me?" Jessie's muffled voice went in one ear and out the other.

I was currently sitting inside the study room of the house feeling more lazier than a sloth because I had nothing better to do with my life since school just recently finished.

I subconsciously nodded at Jessie and buried my head in my arms as I leaned forward to close my restless eyes. The books that Jessie was referring to were the books currently sprawled all over the desk before me.

"Ayla, is it about that gorilla boy? Was your fight really that bad?" She asked in sarcasm. For a woman in her forties, she really knows how to treat an emotionally tripped 17 year old.

"I'm just really tired, Jessie." I yawn and hope she leaves me to sleep. "I'm tired of putting up with that pathetic excuse of a husband."

She nodded, understanding. "Just stay strong for a little longer, hun. Everything will be fine in another few months, alright?"

She left a moment later; leaving me and his highness at home alone. Well it's not like we've never been alone together, we practically ignore each other on a daily basis.

I stood up and sighed.

I really am tired.

And it's a type of tired that sleep can't fix.

After gathering all of the books into an untidy pile, I began placing them back in their rightful spots on the shelves, one by one.

Sometimes I wonder what the point of this marriage really was. I know our parents took our childish freedom away but, Ryler Fielder... he could at least try a little to be more committed.

Whenever I see him playing around, or doing something that is beyond stupid; it makes me feel ashamed for him. Him sleeping around is the biggest sign saying how much this arranged marriage really affected him.

My endurance level is pretty low as well and who does he think I am? I'm not some tough girl who can suppress her emotions. This marriage is affecting me just as much, it's just that I've learned how to restrain myself even if my emotions are confused.

It's honestly, easier said than done.

I am a human being with issues and the people around me fail to realise that.

Just thinking of my problems, makes me feel more vulnerable than a lamb in the middle of a pack of wolves. How would you feel if you fell for someone only to have them treat you like shit?

If my feelings developed into more than a 'crush' for Ryler before I got married to him, I would've been more pathetic than I already am. I promise myself that I will never let him or this stupid agreement get to my head.

My vision was still blurry from the tears as I yawned heavily. No doubt my eyes were red from a lack of sleep.

Maybe it really is just a tired that sleep can fix.


I jumped at Ryler's sudden voice.

I turned to him with a glare as he interrupted my thoughts. "What?"

He was standing a meter away from me with a look of confusion on his face.

I stared at him. He stared back.

"Why are you crying?" He asked with a slight disgusted tone referring to my teary eyes from yawning so hard.

"I'm not crying you dumb fuc-"

His Hidden MarriageNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ