Chapter 10: Hold Me When I'm Falling Short

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After the party, I really didn't feel like going out much whenever Eddie or me and the Band was invited to go somewhere. Seeing Larissa act the way she did towards Eddie made me realize that in the time we were split up, while I was heartbroken, Eddie was clearly doing just fine on his own.

"Sloane," Eddie calls from the bedroom, pulling me from the porch and my morning smoke to calm my nerves.

I heard him but continue to sit on the edge of the balcony, looking out over the city, thinking about everything that has happened and wondering if maybe I jumped back into this whole thing too soon. 

"Hey baby, you all good out here? I called for you but you never answered me," Eddie says as he slides the door open and joins me on the porch. 

He gently pulls me off the ledge and into his arms, squeezing me tightly into his chest. "You know I hate it when you sit on the ledge like that."

I relax into his arms, starting to feel the affects from the joint I had prior to him coming out. "What's life without living with danger and pain though right? You of all people should know that one."

I hadn't even realized what I had said before it was too late. 

I feel Eddie loosen his grip on me and I know then I most definitely fucked up. 

"What are you implying, Sloane?" Eddie's tone isn't aggravated or angry sounding to me, but I can hear the concern laid thick in his voice.

I really don't have it in me to fight with him over Larissa and honestly, I have spent too much time wanting this man back, no matter the costs. If that means dealing with crazy and obsessed women, then so be it.

"Oh you know, dating a badass chick who has her own music career AND nearly beat the shi out of someone at a party while she was drunk," I turn around and give him a smirk. 

Eddie rolls his eyes and playfully clicks his tongue. "If I recall correctly, I believe I am he one who taught you how to fight for one," he bites his lip and pulls me Into the apartment. 

"You may have showed me thing or two, but this rage is all me," I say, shoving Eddie down onto the couch, him watching every move I make. 

"That's all you baby," Eddie says, a little bit worked up. I cant deny how much he affects me too. The wetness between my legs getting unbearably hard not to notice. 

I pull my tank top over my head, exposing my breasts to Eddie. I watch him adjust on the couch, licking his lips and never taking his gaze from me. 

I walk over to him and throw my leg over his waist, straddling him comfortably and seductively. 

"Mmm, you know what you do to me?" I ask him before leaning in and placing sloppy kisses down his jaw and neck. I let my teeth graze his most sensitive spot on his neck, which causes him to buck up into me. 

"Jesus fuu- you know what? How about I just SHOW you what you do to me instead," Eddie growls. Before I can even react, Eddie has my legs wrapped tightly around him and he has me hoisted up. 

I can't even process that he's taking us to our room, until he has me on the bed and my hands above my head. 

"Stay like that, don't move princess," he says, walking towards his closet. He comes back out with what looks to be a dress tie and two bandanas.

"Eddie, what are those-" but I'm quickly shut up with his mouth on mine, his tongue aggressively searching for access into mine. I can't stop the moans that pour out of my mouth and into his.

Eddie pulls back and I can see his bulge poking through his sweats. 

"I'm so fucking lucky," he says, admiring me one last time before reaching above my head and tying my hands with the bandanas. He then slips the tie over my eyes and it all goes dark for me. 

"Some say pleasure is more intense when you can't see what is being done to you" Eddie whispers into my ear, causing me to writhe against my ties. 

Eddie pulls my shorts down, leaving me exposed to him and making me even wetter and longing to be touched by him. 

"Eddie, please," I beg him, not sure what exactly I'm begging for, but not really farming as long as he touches me soon. 

"You being this needy for me really makes my cock hard," I hear him deeply say, almost in a dominant voice I've never heard before. 

Before I can say anything else, Eddie is between my legs, licking a stripe up and down my swollen clit that's been aching for him. 

"Mmm Eddie" is all I can say before he's diving tongue deep into my hole. He works his way back to my clit, while adding two fingers pumping in and out of me at the same time. 

"Fuck, Eddie I'm already close," I warn him, but that only encourages him to do more. Within seconds, he has me releasing onto his fingers and cursing his name for how fucking good he had made me felt.

Just as I was coming back down from that ectasy like high, Eddie removes my blindfold. "You didn't think I was finished with you yet, did you now?" 

Before I can even protest,Eddie flips me over to my stomach and pushes his cock into my already soaked entrance. 

"Fuuuck" we say in sync.

Eddie doesn't take it easy on me. His thrusts are hard and messy and I can feel he's a!ready close. But I can feel another release building up too, when my coil breaks shockingly fasts, causing me to soak Eddie and the sheets under us.

"Oh fuck, did you just- did I make you, ohhh shit I'm coming," Eddie moans, releasing inside of me. 

He slowly pulls out and stands up. "Wait right there, I'll grab towels," he says before rushing out of the room. 

I let my legs collapse and I lay there on my stomach,cold from the wet sheets and completely worn out. I grab my phone to see what time it is, because I have a gig this afternoon only to see a notification from my health app. 

I open the notification and the words on the screen are enough to bring anyone back down from any type of high.


My phone slips from my hand as I remember never going and getting my birth control refilled. I start to feel dizzy, and I can't think of a worse time to be more stupid. 

"What the fuck did we do?" I say as a confused looking Eddie walks into the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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